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Depends entirely on the situation, why are they unattainable? Do they seem out of your league? Is there a friendship or something else there? Are they just not interested?
Reply 2
Note the word "seems" - that means "it's all in your head."

Whoever the person is, he/she is only human, with human feelings and human reactions and a human past with human flaws. He/she is not perfect, is not the most beautiful person alive, is not the most amazing person alive. He/she is just human, and it happens to be a human you like, so you're simply nervous.

Now knowing that he/she IS human and not an angel or a god/goddess, you can muster the courage to approach him/her. Once you've done that, develop a friendship and go from there.

However if this is a case where the person has said "No I don't feel that way about you" - then he/she IS unattainable, and not just "seems" so - he/she IS - so give it up and move on. Plenty more fish in the sea :smile: and one who actually wants you and may be better for you.
Reply 3
get them pregnant, go on jeremy kyle and he'll sort it for you.
get them pregnant, go on jeremy kyle and he'll sort it for you.

Ahh, middle class anger being thrown at you on national TV - Just screams "Respect me as a person", doesn't it?
Reply 5
Depends entirely on the situation, why are they unattainable? Do they seem out of your league? Is there a friendship or something else there? Are they just not interested?

It's so confusing even in my own head, so I pity all those that will read this. LOL.

In a sense, yes, they do feel very much outta my league, but this person can barely see their own worth, if they even can at all; you know the kinda people who you think of very highly but who just don't believe it in themselves? There is also a friendship there, not only between myself and this person, but also a good/old friend of mine and them; the friendship between the latter being slightly more so, but, complicated. I suppose with all of what I've already said, you could say that they aren't interested, but I really don't know that for sure, it's just what the calculation gives me.

I feel quite silly for this, but oh well.
Reply 6
Note the word "seems" - that means "it's all in your head."

Whoever the person is, he/she is only human, with human feelings and human reactions and a human past with human flaws. He/she is not perfect, is not the most beautiful person alive, is not the most amazing person alive. He/she is just human, and it happens to be a human you like, so you're simply nervous.

Now knowing that he/she IS human and not an angel or a god/goddess, you can muster the courage to approach him/her. Once you've done that, develop a friendship and go from there.

However if this is a case where the person has said "No I don't feel that way about you" - then he/she IS unattainable, and not just "seems" so - he/she IS - so give it up and move on. Plenty more fish in the sea :smile: and one who actually wants you and may be better for you.

I actually love that (what I've highlighted), but I just wish I could believe it.

I do agree with what you said in the second paragraph, no matter how much I do think this person is awesome, etc. Everyone thinks it about someone, it's kinda natural I guess.

In a way, I'd feel quite sad if it was an "I don't feel that way about you" case but atleast then I would know, 'cos I think it's the not knowing that gets to me, but it's not as simple as some might make out to just come out with the subject. There's a lot to consider and even more - our friendship - at stake.
Reply 7
Ahh, middle class anger being thrown at you on national TV - Just screams "Respect me as a person", doesn't it?

Well - sadly Kilroy is no longer around to represent the disgruntled middle classes, so we're stuck with "jezza" and "trisha"...although if you want to watch a ridiculous schpiel of human dregs see "maury" (it's american...)
Reply 8
get them pregnant, go on jeremy kyle and he'll sort it for you.

It's a shame I lack the equipment. ;]
Reply 9
It's a shame I lack the equipment. ;]

My apologies - get pregnant by them, go on jeremy kyle and he'll sort it for you.

That better?
My apologies - get pregnant by them, go on jeremy kyle and he'll sort it for you.

That better?

No; all involved are female.

Reply 11
good lord young people are so confusing.

All else I can suggest is kidnap and imprisonment - not too helpful a suggestion, I'm sure...
good lord young people are so confusing.

All else I can suggest is kidnap and imprisonment - not too helpful a suggestion, I'm sure...


Oh believe me it's a much better suggestion than impregnation. LOL. This part of the conversation has cheered me up slightly, so thanx.
Well - sadly Kilroy is no longer around to represent the disgruntled middle classes, so we're stuck with "jezza" and "trisha"...although if you want to watch a ridiculous schpiel of human dregs see "maury" (it's american...)

Are you kidding? Maury is awesome!

Best clip ever!
Reply 14
quite alright.

On a more serious note, I would recommend being honest with the individual, as it will bear fruition in the long term.

Sorry, just read through the entire thread and laughed at the "every1s a girl" bit.

Umm...I crack a few jokes, if the girl doesn't laugh (like a proper laugh, not a meh..he..he laugh) then she sucks and I'm never ever getting nookie, so I move on to the next person.
Reply 16
No broadband personally, but if it's of the 15 year old hooker/pregnant to be.etc., then, yes - glorious!
quite alright.

On a more serious note, I would recommend being honest with the individual, as it will bear fruition in the long term.

...or it won't. :[

I apologise. I am so very appreciative of all the advice I'm getting, and I know that I basically did ask for advice, but tonight my head is on the side I like to call reality...

Sorry, just read through the entire thread and laughed at the "every1s a girl" bit.

Umm...I crack a few jokes, if the girl doesn't laugh (like a proper laugh, not a meh..he..he laugh) then she sucks and I'm never ever getting nookie, so I move on to the next person.


We do get on really well, in my opinion. When we met the first time things were slightly awkward for all of five or ten minutes, then we got on like a house on fire for the entire night. We talk one hell of a lot. I think what's bothering me most is not only that I risk our friendship, but that there is someone else kinda involved too.
Reply 19
...or it won't. :[

I apologise. I am so very appreciative of all the advice I'm getting, and I know that I basically did ask for advice, but tonight my head is on the side I like to call reality...

bah! **** reality - if I had been realistic I would've been single for the past year, as long (in this case) you know you're not "barking up the wrong tree", so to speak, be honest and go for it - worked for me, surprisingly well.