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Dating a guy - ideas for things to do

About a month ago I starting seeing this guy and we meet up a couple of times a week and go out or whatever. But 2 issues:

1) I really want to be officially going out with him, ive been messed around a lot in the past and I want to know where I stand but he is such a shy guy, he really doesn't talk about his feelings (ok, fair enough, a lot of guys don't) but should I ask him out or wait to see if he does anything about it?

2) We've been to the cinema a couple of times, been out for dinner a few times, been clubbing, been bowling, been for a romantic walk on the beach(his idea), but I want to keep things exciting for a while at least, so does anyone have any ideas for what we could do together, or even some good movies we could watch together?

Any replies really appreciated!!

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Reply 1
some good movies you could watch together:

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - romantic drama with Jim Carey and Kate winslet :wink:

Hostel get u hugging up togther :wink: :wink:

titanic- name speaks for itself :wink: :wink: :wink:

+ if you want to gosome were nice try a national park around , 7 oclock at night there almost empty around that time and its really nice if you go there with someone just to walk around :biggrin:
Eternal Sunshine is immense. And have a day of making cocktails and cookies while ******* to music in the kitchen.

EDIT: That says funk ing. I'm not sure why it's being censored. Admittedly, the censored version is more fun :wink:
Reply 3
I'd ask him. You seem a bit more confident than he is so just go for it :smile: If he's shy you might be waiting for months, trust me, haha.

And...well, can't really offer many ideas on the date front. My boyfriend & I went to Chester Zoo once, that was great. Haha. Usually we tend to sit inside watching films and cooking though. We like making cakes. We should really grow up :P Theme park places are good though, if you live relatively near any fairs or theme parks. Ice skating is usually fun too.
The best date I've ever been on was a picnic in the local park. We sat on a blanket by the lake watching everyone go by and making daisy chains on one of those hot hot days last easter. It was really perfect. Just a magical day.

You're so lucky! Your guy seems really nice and romantic - the little beach stroll sounds lovely. At the moment, I'd be lucky to get a curry chip and carryout without him stealing half of it :rolleyes:

On the feelings front...just ask him. He probably wants to know where he stands too and will be secretly glad that you brought it up for him.
Reply 5
Ha, my bf is a TERRIBLE cook. I just end up on the floor laughing at him! I don't care what we do as long as we're together (Awwwww). It's just nice to wander and hold hands sometimes.
Reply 6
I don't care what we do as long as we're together (Awwwww). It's just nice to wander and hold hands sometimes.

See, that's the way I feel as well, guess I'm just worried he'll get bored or stop liking me or doesn't like me as much as I like him. I really like him, don't want him to think I'm boring or anything like that.
See, that's the way I feel as well, guess I'm just worried he'll get bored or stop liking me or doesn't like me as much as I like him. I really like him, don't want him to think I'm boring or anything like that.

Everyone feels like that. My fella is naturally really funny and I'm just not..not to him anyway. I never seem to entertain him as much as he entertains me but for some reason he still likes me! Sometimes you just have to take it for granted...especially with someone who's quite shy.
im just wondering on romantic ideas and waht people do, also i wanted to know what people think of this idea. me and my gf are going to seperate uni's and before we go im going to write a letter to her. on the back i was thinking of writing all the words out to the song she will be loved by maroon 5 and then by the side write a little bit by me i.e the songs goes " Beauty queen of 18" then by the side id write your the beautiful girl in my life or soemthing like that what do you think ??

titanic- name speaks for itself :wink: :wink: :wink:

Oh dear god, you did not just recommend that it's absolutely terrible. If someone wanted to watch Titanic with me I would not be impressed.
Reply 10
Oh dear god, you did not just recommend that it's absolutely terrible. If someone wanted to watch Titanic with me I would not be impressed.

thats your opinion, and yes i did recomend to watch it :p:
Reply 11
Your bit about feelings sounds so similar to me lol! My boyf was my best friend for six months before we started going out, and for the last 3 months he'd started to like me, but I was really slow and it took me like another month to figure out he really liked me, and it took me that long to figure out I really liked him too. There was quite a bit of gossip with people we knew about us, so I found it quite easy to mention something someone had said to bring up the conversation. My boyf is really shy, but he's also quite open with his feelings, so once I brought it up we were talking about it quite easily and it worked (mind you, we'd been out to our usual pub with a group of friends beforehand and he'd had three pints, so that helped lol) I suggest you talk to him, if he's shy he might not bring it up himself, and if it's anything like my guy, he'll be relieved you brought it up so you guys can talk about it.

For the second part, don't worry so much about actually going out. Me and my boyf don't go out that much; usually I just hung around in his room and we watched Doctor Who or DVDs :P: We usually either go to the cinema or have dinner when we actually go out on a date, which are always good! :biggrin:
Reply 12
im just wondering on romantic ideas and waht people do, also i wanted to know what people think of this idea. me and my gf are going to seperate uni's and before we go im going to write a letter to her. on the back i was thinking of writing all the words out to the song she will be loved by maroon 5 and then by the side write a little bit by me i.e the songs goes " Beauty queen of 18" then by the side id write your the beautiful girl in my life or soemthing like that what do you think ??

Sounds like a good idea to me :biggrin: I love the idea of getting letters, my boyf has been away all this week and last week and we haven't had the chance to speak to each other since last Sat. He said he'd write me a letter but it hasn't got here yet so I hope it comes today! The song sounds a good idea too, will let her know how you feel about her and she can pick it up and read it anytime she's missing you or feeling lonely etc.
but should I ask him out or wait to see if he does anything about it?

Just ask him :smile: Even if it's one of those awkward "So... are we going out?" things, at least you'll know where you stand! :hugs:
Just ask him, its better to know where you stand either way. He probably wants to know too, but is too shy to ask
Sounds like a good idea to me :biggrin: I love the idea of getting letters, my boyf has been away all this week and last week and we haven't had the chance to speak to each other since last Sat. He said he'd write me a letter but it hasn't got here yet so I hope it comes today! The song sounds a good idea too, will let her know how you feel about her and she can pick it up and read it anytime she's missing you or feeling lonely etc.

thnks i just needed to make sure it wasnt corny :smile:
Oh dear god, you did not just recommend that it's absolutely terrible. If someone wanted to watch Titanic with me I would not be impressed.

Too bad not everyone wants to impress you.
Reply 17
Oh dear god, you did not just recommend that it's absolutely terrible. If someone wanted to watch Titanic with me I would not be impressed.

Ha. Agreed.
I'd think they were joking...
No thanks.
Reply 18
i didnt think it was that bad jee's . i didnt mean it as like a really romantic thing just something to watch sometime
Too bad not everyone wants to impress you.

Your reply doesn't really make much sense.

I was amused over the fact a guy would want to watch Titanic. It's just such a corny idea, I don't know how anyone when they're in the first stages of going out could both want to watch it and both sit there and not cringe/laugh at the situation.

No not 'everyone' wants to impress me (in fact I don't want people to even try, I either like you or I don't) but I didn't say that, did I? I said 'someone'.

It's 2007, girls are evolving we don't all operate on chick flicks and yes, guys can like Titanic but it doesn't mean I won't still tease them for liking it.