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Holiday romance help.

Well this will sound like the same old go away on holiday and meet a guy and fall in love, not real love as its a holiday fling, but for some reason this guy is different I can't forget him.:confused:

This guy was from England and I live in Scotland, and we didn't really get close until the last night of the holiday, we talked but never really got together. On the last night everyone drank a bit too much and even though I did, I don't regret what I did.

There was another girl on the holiday (Greece) and she really liked him and she also got drunk on the last night and called me a '****ing bitch' for kissing/pulling him and cuddling with him as she liked him too. She lives just a few minutes away from me and she said in time she will forgive me. But I can't stop thinking about this guy.

I have his sister's msn address, and I've talked to her, she gave me his msn address but she said that he never goes on. I don't know wether this guy likes me or not.

But I know that both of us were sober enough to remember what happened and we both meant it. He gave me his necklace....gossh I sound like a pathetic ten year old but I think what we had could be real.

I just miss him a lot, and don't know what to do. Should I ask his sister for his mobile number? and phone him? or try and forget..

Please help me as even though I am 15 neally 16, I can't stop missing him and it's really getting me down. Any suggestions?:suith:
Go for it! Ask his sister for the mobile #, if he doesn't reply to texts/phone calls then you know he isn't interested. But I personally would prefer to go for it then live with ''what ifs''
Reply 2
Best thing you can do is email the msn address, keep it friendly and see if he replies. I don't think it's right to ask for his mobile number, if he wants you to have it he'll give it to you himself.

I'd also say try and relax about it, I know I wasn't there but I do know that countless people before you have experienced the reality that meeting someone on holiday often doesn't translate into a real life relationship because the nature of a holiday means that people are just so much more relaxed. So i'd try not to pin your hopes on anything happening with this guy, just in case.