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Reply 1
I would have thought that most guys only cheat when they're dissatisfied with their current relationship and are keen to take up a bit more fun when it's more blatantly offered. Then there's guys who will cheat despite being in an otherwise 'good' relationship, these are called jerks :p:
Reply 2
probably for the thrill of being with 2 people, doing the dirty etc. i couldnt cheat the guilt would kill me
Reply 3
(edited 14 years ago)
It's not your fault he's just a ******* :smile:
Reply 5
Why do girls cheat on their boyfriends?

Stupid question, guys aren't the only ones who cheat - and not all guys do. I've never been cheated on. I've never cheated either, for that matter.

People cheat because they want all they can get, because they're not satisified, because they're drunk and it seems like a great idea at the time...loads of reasons.
Reply 6
(edited 14 years ago)
Reply 7
You cant pin point why people cheat, theres hundreds of different reasons.
Reply 8
Aww! That's cute, and after reading that it's made me realise that it's important for me to emphasise that I know a lot of guys aren't cheaters (my op made it sound like I thought guys in general cheated). No, I just mean the minority.

I know what you mean, my dad was a serial cheater and he told me about it. He cheated on his second wife and a ton of his partners. it repluses me how he could do that to some women, thats why i dont want to ever cheat because it's something he would do. its just the minority of men but some are just obsesed with what they can get. my dad once tryed to describe his gf's boobs to me woah dad way to much info ! then when were in the car and theres a pretty lady walking down the street " hey lads eyes right " dad you pervy toss pot ! sorry huge rant :s-smilie: :smile: i hope i never end up like that it sickens me lol
Reply 9
I know what you mean, my dad was a serial cheater and he told me about it. He cheated on his second wife and a ton of his partners. it repluses me how he could do that to some women, thats why i dont want to ever cheat because it's something he would do. its just the minority of men but some are just obsesed with what they can get. my dad once tryed to describe his gf's boobs to me woah dad way to much info ! then when were in the car and theres a pretty lady walking down the street " hey lads eyes right " dad you pervy toss pot ! sorry huge rant :s-smilie: :smile: i hope i never end up like that it sickens me lol

For me to cheat id have to be so unhappy in my relationship that I would have broken up already. I think being drunk is the crappest excuse in the world.
Reply 10
i couldnt cheat if i was married i want to try and sort the problem out i wouldnt want divorce slapped on my name
Reply 11
(edited 14 years ago)
Reply 12
I can't understand why anyone would cheat? I mean I know people say they like the thrill etc, but if thats the case then go and jump out of an aeroplane or something that won't hurt the person you are supposed to care most about.
Reply 13
Maybe I should come straight out and say the reason I posted this thread...please don't hate me this isn't my fault but: there's this guy I know and we got together for about a month until I discovered he already had a girlfriend! It's made me feel really bad cos I really liked him and I can't believe he'd do this. Did he do it cos he thinks I'm a whore? :frown: I can't get a straight answer out of him and to be honest I don't feel like talking to him at the moment :mad:

He is a ****** and you are better off without him!
Reply 14
Maybe I should come straight out and say the reason I posted this thread...please don't hate me this isn't my fault but: there's this guy I know and we got together for about a month until I discovered he already had a girlfriend! It's made me feel really bad cos I really liked him and I can't believe he'd do this. Did he do it cos he thinks I'm a whore? :frown: I can't get a straight answer out of him and to be honest I don't feel like talking to him at the moment :mad:

no he did it because he's a dishonest fag. dont you feel bad for what that jerk did. if hes done that you desrve way better. theres millions of grains of sand on the beach you just have to choose which one suits you best, i wouldnt ever talk to him again, i dont think he did it casue your a whore i think he did it for the thrill and forgot about your feelings along they way its not fair you deserver better than a cheater :smile:
I'm sure he doesn't think you are a whore Snarf.. he might really like you, or he might be after one thing but this reflects on him only and NOT YOU!! You didn't know he already had a girl so don't beat yourself up, I think you are doing the right thing by not talking to him though, I'd get as far away as possible if I was you!! You can do better!!
In this world, there are always the nice men and the nasty men and you couldn't learn why in all eternity... there are way too many reasons. Neither will you ever be able to tell at face value which one you're dealing with until it's too late.

I doubt he thinks you're a whore but maybe he thinks of himself as some kind of a player lol :wink: Self-infatuated 'I deserve that girl' attitude!
Girls cheat as well, anyway I wouldn't waste your breath on this guy.
Guys cheat because they are gay.

Every single one of them.
Reply 19
Guys cheat because they are gay.

Every single one of them.

Hahahaha! Yeah they sure are.