The Student Room Group

Too much too young

Basically feeling like theres nothing to look forward to anymore. Im 18 got a uni course sorted 99% ill get the grades. Problem is I feel I've done everything already and it's only downhill from here. Done Ibiza/drugs ect know what thats all about, had plenty of gf and sex and frankly im quite bored of the lot of it. Going out and getting plastered isn't fun I just talk to people and see them as naive, it's depressing while at the same time quite satisfiying in knowing I am 'better' than them. 'better' i.e done it all got life on track.

I feel that all I've got to look forward to is hard work bills and less drugs and sex as I get older which I don't particualrly enjoy anyway! I wish I hadn't done all these things so soon and wish I could live in the blissful land of naivity....whoops..........Herion?

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Reply 1
there must be something in life that scares you abit? go and do that.
Reply 2
travelled the world yet?
Reply 3
I think loads of people feel this from time to time especially as your teenage years draw to a close. It's closing a chapter on your life and I think you're just reflecting on it.

You're best off channeling this into positive stuff - see your uni work as a challenge and work hard on that. I think once you get to uni you'll find the change of scene refreshing.

I know what you mean when you think people are naive though. One piece of advice - don't be the arsehole that rattles off endless stories of drunken and drugged fueled madness and putting everyone else down about it.
Reply 4
Started a family? Actually got your law degree? Beome a succesful lawyer? To think you done it all b/c you took some drugs and got plastered is in itself actually naive.
Reply 5
You've got a lot of travelling you can do, you may have a good career ahead of you, you could do charity work, you might become rich and/or famous. There is no shortage of things you can do.
To think you done it all b/c you took some drugs and got plastered is in itself actually naive.

LOL, your not even at uni yet you have that to look forward to.
Reply 7
It's probably just an end of school thing. Once you get to uni you'll have plenty of new experiences to challenge you - not least moving away from home, and will hopefully meet people with whom you have more in common than the ones you know at the moment. You have loads to look forward to, but try not to alienate yourself from everything you know right now before you leave!
Reply 8
I think a few 50s in uni will sort you out.
Basically feeling like theres nothing to look forward to anymore. Im 18 got a uni course sorted 99% ill get the grades. Problem is I feel I've done everything already and it's only downhill from here. Done Ibiza/drugs ect know what thats all about, had plenty of gf and sex and frankly im quite bored of the lot of it. Going out and getting plastered isn't fun I just talk to people and see them as naive, it's depressing while at the same time quite satisfiying in knowing I am 'better' than them. 'better' i.e done it all got life on track.

I feel that all I've got to look forward to is hard work bills and less drugs and sex as I get older which I don't particualrly enjoy anyway! I wish I hadn't done all these things so soon and wish I could live in the blissful land of naivity....whoops..........Herion?

Wow, yeah you're right - life is pretty much over once you've popped a few pills and slept with a few girls. :rolleyes:

Ever fallen in love? Raised a child? Seen the Aurora Borealis? Been in a helicopter? Written a novel? Punched someone's lights out? Given someone else an incredible opportunity? And you said you'd taken drugs, ever taken LSD?

There are so many things you haven't done.
Reply 10
Oh get over yourself!!!!
I personally think the OP has the wrong attitude to start off with, but if you want to call it 'naivety' then fine. He's got lots to learn and look forward to in life, I mean actually starting a family, work, children, going to Uni, life at Uni... I don't know. So many things I can think of.
Why does everyone think that starting a family is something to look forward to?! Haha, couldn't think of anything worse lol.
yep, its pretty much over.
Basically feeling like theres nothing to look forward to anymore. Im 18 got a uni course sorted 99% ill get the grades. Problem is I feel I've done everything already and it's only downhill from here. Done Ibiza/drugs ect know what thats all about, had plenty of gf and sex and frankly im quite bored of the lot of it. Going out and getting plastered isn't fun I just talk to people and see them as naive, it's depressing while at the same time quite satisfiying in knowing I am 'better' than them. 'better' i.e done it all got life on track.

I feel that all I've got to look forward to is hard work bills and less drugs and sex as I get older which I don't particualrly enjoy anyway! I wish I hadn't done all these things so soon and wish I could live in the blissful land of naivity....whoops..........Herion?

come find me n i'll mek u unbored
on a serious note u will find sumthing :tongue:
Well drugs aint the way to carry on id say so heroin aint a good route if u get me.....!

I see what you mean in that its not the same after a while, however id never change anything in my past (was having sex aged 14) dont want to waste a moment! However the advice given above about travelling more or finding a real challenge somewhere sounds good...
Reply 16
Basically feeling like theres nothing to look forward to anymore. Im 18 got a uni course sorted 99% ill get the grades. Problem is I feel I've done everything already and it's only downhill from here. Done Ibiza/drugs ect know what thats all about, had plenty of gf and sex and frankly im quite bored of the lot of it. Going out and getting plastered isn't fun I just talk to people and see them as naive, it's depressing while at the same time quite satisfiying in knowing I am 'better' than them. 'better' i.e done it all got life on track.

I feel that all I've got to look forward to is hard work bills and less drugs and sex as I get older which I don't particualrly enjoy anyway! I wish I hadn't done all these things so soon and wish I could live in the blissful land of naivity....whoops..........Herion?

Well, if you've done all the ruining yourself and having meaningless flings - ever thought of perhaps commitment to an actual relationship or thoughts of marriage? Thoughts of settling down? How about a job - learning to earn your own money, be totally independent. Yes you probably have a part-time job - but more than that, like, the prospect of owning your own house, managing your own family and house and money. Those are achievements too and your degree helps you towards that.

How about look forward to the knowledge you will be gaining in the course you love? It's not work - it's knowledge, and knowledge is power. Yeh, so you love your subject? What do you know? Not enough. Look forward to being skilled at the field you love and respect.

Look forward to all the new people you'll meet. If you'll get off your high horse, without sound ing harsh, you may realise there's MUCH more to life than what you've experienced so far. And you just may find that there're interesting people out there, with principles and values worth respecting and admiring, worth trying to understand. You're not more "mature" than others because you've done drugs. In fact, if you're mature, you'll know not to look down on people, and you'll know that different people simply have different experiences and have learnt different things - things you don't know. And with maturity comes understanding, where even if you disagree with someone, you learn to respect their views, you learn to at the very least understand where they're coming from, and with maturity comes an open mind where you're willing to try and understand something even if you disagree with it. No one does all this even well into their old age, which means, my dear, you still have an awful, awful lot to learn before you can look down on anyone. Yes there're less mature people than you, less wise, less smart, but that's not everyone so stop assuming and judging. I mean, I consider the fact that you've tried drugs foolish - but then I do things that others consider foolish. In the end, we do what we do and we all have our reasons, and I don't think those reasons and logic should be undermined just cus you disagree with it. That does not mean you must agree with it and that does not mean that everything everyone ever does is good and healthy and a smart idea - but your refusal to try and understand their reasonings, however illogical it sounds to you, that is arrogance and that's immaturity.

Go appreciate some art, some literature or music or sport or politics or economics or maths - whatever - go appreciate and admire something, and learn from it. Look forward to that. Look forward to developing even more as a person, discovering new talents, polishing old ones. Look forward to future friendships that may last a lifetime. Look forward to when you can next appreciate a sunrise or a birdsong - sometimes the simplest things are the best things in life.
Reply 17
You haven't experienced death.
Reply 18
Explore the paranormal.
Reply 19
if you think youve lived life...u really havent and that sex n drugs are it really, i think you've been in a cocoon-you've done like the sterotypical things of what bad teens do. Wish ya all the best-i suggest travel if you got the money- or anything with a challenge as think you need to push yourself