Right where to begin with this...
Last year before i finished my GSCE's i was getting very close with this girl in my class and she was getting on with me too which was good. We went prom together in the end and we started our relationship. But it was summer time and we were both buy and started to drift on quickly and because of this after like 7 days we ended our thing.
We have been split away from each other for nearly a year but then we spoke on msn one day and she started telling me how she sill has feelings for me..and tbh just brought mine to surface again because i did really like her and all. So now we are starting this again.
We went cinema to film and it was great and everyting leaning on each other sharing drinks all that. Went home and i went in to kiss her but froze and gave her hug :| and she kissed me on cheek so i knew she wanted me to.
Now its been week since we've een eachother. We still talk and that and has been teasing me that next time we will kiss and tht lol all good. But she goes silent sometimes and ignores me for like what feels a century...Dunno im wondering if she is playing games like what she did last year..and if i should really bother with this thing agin..Dunno just asking myself lol
Anyone got any advice to help me out??