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Reply 1
Has anyone on TSR ever had their ears pinned back?

Is it scary / boring sitting through surgery for three hours? Does it hurt afterward? Are you happy with it?

A friend of mine had her ears Pinned back.
She was asleep during Surgery, so didn't know anything about it. The Surgery took 1 hour & she was out the next day
Reply 2
I've had this done!!!!

Omg, memories!!! LOL...I had it done when I was 5 years old.

God its awful, (although mine was like 12 years ago), you have to wear this massive bandage around your head and it really itches alot. God I hated it, I really really hated it.

I don't know if they've changed the method, but it was awful when I had it done. Although the results were allright.

However, my two ears are different. One has a little bit of extra skin at the top and basically they're both differently shaped. I was meant to get another operation when I turned 14 but I checkened out, partly because I didn't need it (nobody really noticed) and party because...

I was **** scared.

Sorry for long post, this thread excites me.
Reply 3
Oh yeah i forgot to say,my friend had to wear a Bandage round her Head.
Yea, a friend of mine had her ears pinned back - she was only in hospital for a day. Procedure wasnt long either she said.
Reply 5
I had my ears pinned back when I was 14. I really didn't want it done, I was well scared, my parents sort of made me have the operation lol, but looking at photos before I had it done and looking at my ears now, I am SO glad I did!

I had it done under general anaesthetic - no way I was gonna be awake for it! I wouldn't recommend having it done under local or sedation - you can hear what's going on and apparently, although you don't feel pain, you can feel some sensation of the cutting :s-smilie: It would also be pretty boring and uncomfortable lying there for an hour, and it'd feel pretty weird! General all the way :biggrin:

You do look like Pudsey the bear for a week afterwards. You have to wear dressings and a big bandage round your head for a week (so no washing hair...very icky, when I finally got the bandages off my hair had sort of hardened it had got that greasy and encrusted with blood :tongue: Sorry for the grossness haha!). You then wear something like a sports headband to keep your ears in place - you don't need to wear it when you're out, but when you're at home and no one's going to see you anyway, wear it, and wear it at night. I can't remember how long I wore that for - your surgeon will probably tell you, maybe wear it for a month or so at night afterwards.

It did hurt a bit :s-smilie: The thing that was the worst with mine was actually the gauze they pack inside your ears - it really irritated me, it was just a piece of gauze but because my ears were all swollen up (beware, you will be freaked out when you first look at them, they will be like rugby players' cauliflower ears!) it really hurt. Otherwise it wasn't too bad - you feel rather tender on the incision at the back of your ears, but it's not massively painful, just a bit sore.

It's well worth it - the pain isn't too bad, and the results, provided you go with a good surgeon, are great! It's just a day procedure too, so you can go home an hour or two after you've come round from the anaesthetic.
boring sitting through surgery? bloody hell I'd wanna be asleep!
Reply 7
plzzzzz can someone help me out iv organised everythng about getting my ears pinned back iv totaly had enough of them i jus wna have ma hair high up with out thinking that ppl r gna take the piss outa me aaaa:s can sum1 jus talk me thru it all n help me out im **** scared of doctors
plzzzzzzzzzz sum1
Reply 8
heres a pic i dno if u can get it tho
plzzzzz can someone help me out iv organised everythng about getting my ears pinned back iv totaly had enough of them i jus wna have ma hair high up with out thinking that ppl r gna take the piss outa me aaaa:s can sum1 jus talk me thru it all n help me out im **** scared of doctors
plzzzzzzzzzz sum1

if you're not going to go to the doctors, how do you think you'll get them pinned back?
They dont look too bad in that pic tbh.
If you want something done, you have to go to a dotor...
Reply 10
My boyfriend keeps mentioning having his ears pinned back, i hate the idea, i love him as he is and if his ears change he wont look like him anymore. I dont think he will get them done tho as he has lived with it for 20 years and it isnt even an issue anymore really, i never notice and i love them as they are. If u feel pressured into having it done just do what makes you happy :smile:
I had this done and now my ears are perfectly symmetrical and don't stick out at all. They used to be really bad, was bullied, etc. I had a 5 hour wait in hospital and didn't remember much but apparently I got sick as soon as I woke up and had a lot of blood on my pillow. The bandage on the head was pretty cool I thought but itched like hell. I had a ruler on me at all times. :biggrin:

It was vital that you didn't bash your head though as it could affect the healing process, thankfully I didn't. I went back to school about 1 week after the bandages had been put on. I got lots of sympathy and lied to quite a lot of people about being in a car accident. :biggrin:
if you're not going to go to the doctors, how do you think you'll get them pinned back?
They dont look too bad in that pic tbh.
If you want something done, you have to go to a dotor...
i have i went n they said that theres nothing wrong with them but if i really want it done i could but id have 2 pay for it the nhs cant do nothing .
Reply 13
heres a pic i dno if u can get it tho

Why do you need your ears pinning?

You look gorgeous in that photo!
Reply 14
What is it to have ears "pinned back"? I've never heard of such a thing before! The only idea I came up with was that you sew your ears to your skull but surely it's not that! lol
Reply 15
i really want my ears pinned back, i have never worn my hair up apart from at home. i'm just mega scared of going under the knife and if it doesn't work properly and i'm stuck with odd ears. it used to bother me a lot but now it's not so bad at all because i can do different things with my hair, and people have matured and don't take the **** out of me anymore lolz. i may think about it when i'm a little older but at the moment maybe it's not so necessary.
Why do you need your ears pinning?

For optimised aerodynamic advantage of 4.5% when cycling over 44kmph, thats why!

But seriously, i agree, you look delicious.
Reply 17
I had this done when I was 7, it's really nothing to worry about as chances of something going wrong or it not working are really low. Yes the bandage gets itchy but tbh it's no more annoying or "life scarring" than a sun burn. I don't regret having it done, my ears look sensible now :P
heres a pic i dno if u can get it tho

You'd be lucky to get them done on the NHS. They aren't bad at all and nowhere near as bad as mine was.
You'd be lucky to get them done on the NHS. They aren't bad at all and nowhere near as bad as mine was.

do u think soo y do i hate them :s they do stick out abit though admit it xx