Throughout my childhood, I wasn't exactly the prettiest thing to look at. In photos, I practically looked like a bloke!!! It was basically the way I used to tie my hair back. I had many photographs of myself amoung our family ones, and I was so detested by the way I looked, I tore them all up.
When I was in year 8, I decided one morning, out of the blue, to do my hair differently. You should have seen the look of some peoples faces. They didn't recognise me. Even my art teacher commented on it.
I'm now 18, and I do pay a lot of attention to the way I look and I do get interest from guys, but I do get paranoid about the way I look.
I was looking through some photos yesterday with my friend, and there was a picture of me in it from a few years ago. I commented on how different I looked. He then went on to say about the way i looked when I was younger, and it just made me feel so bad inside! He was basically saying how awful I looked, and agreed with me. People always comment on the way I used to look, and it really upsets me.
I don't really know what I'm looking for here exactly. I'm not looking for any sympathy as such, I guess I just want to get it off my chest cause its always something that has upset me, but when someone remarks on it, it makes it worse. Just to think that if a bf saw those pictures, I'd probably be dumped within seconds lol!!