The Student Room Group

new relationship

well me and this guy started going out last night. the only trouble is, he's on holiday at the moment and is for about 10days more. he says the time he's been away he realises how much i mean to him and stuff like that.

i've liked him for ages and i'm really happy that we're together, but how can i deal with not seeing him till he gets back?

he's phoned me 3 times today, just because and he keeps texting me, but surely theres only so much we can talk about over the phone?
Distract yourself, do things to try and stop you thinking of him. See your friends/go out/have fun/play games/listen to music etc.

I'm sure the ten days will fly by :smile:

If he wants to phone you, and you don't mind, then I'm sure the conversation will flow naturally. If it bothers you and you think he is calling too much, tell him that you don't mind him enjoying himself on holiday and not to worry about calling you so much!

Reply 2
If you both have enough in common then there will be plenty to talk about. Think of it this way, you have spent how many years of your life without him? Im sure you will last 10 days, absence makes the heart grow fonder etc etc.
Go shopping, treat yourself to something nice, get a top to toe pamerping with some friends and show him what hes missed when he comes home :smile:
As other people have said just keep yourself distracted with various things.
And don't worry about it being another 10 days till he gets back or anything, me and my new bf had the same when we first started going out and even now sometimes we can't see each other for a while so we rely on texting of the internet and it hasn't affected our relationship.
Just take the opportunities you can to speak to him and keep yourself busy otherwise, worse thing to do is think of it 24/7 because trust me time goes even slower. Plus it sounds like he's missing you as much as you are him. it just means that when you do see each other you'll enjoy it even more.
Reply 4
10 more days? I won't see my bf til 22nd Sep :frown: You'll live. Besides, it sounds like you two are in constant contact anyway.

As for running out of things to talk about - yes that does happen but who cares? It's just his voice you wanna hear, to be honest. Switch to sweet-talking like "I miss you" stuff if you don't like silences.
Least you ain't got to wait like 3 weeks to see him or even in months in some cases.
Reply 6
10 days is nothing really, just keep yourself busy that's all.;yes;
you should try waiting over 2 weeks+.
Oh rachd_22, I know exactly how you feel. My boyfriend's gone to Morocco with his family for two weeks and left today - I miss him already!

I'm keeping myself busy by going out with friends and spending money that I haven't really got (LOL). Basically I'm making the most of my time because I know I'll regret moping around when I'm stressed at uni in September.

Wait until he comes back off holiday and then you'l have plenty to talk about!