The Student Room Group

He is jealous of my friends

My boyfriend and I had a row the other week - fuelled mainly by his arrogant parents who don't like me. In the argument he said 'no wonder you go no mates' - pot, kettle, black came to mind as he only has 1 friend. Now 2 of my friends have been contacting me a lot lately and when my boyfriend asks if I have heard off anyone he moans and goes 'oh, what do they want'. I know he doesn't approve of them as they have treated me badly in the past but at the end of the day they have apologised and are my friends. Its like 1 minute he said I was a loner and the next he is annoyed I have friends. How do I tell him to stop huffing when he asks, I don't moan when he says he has heard off his mate.
And why are you with him again?
Tell him that you don't apreciate him disrespecting your mates and begrudging your friendship with them.
Reply 3
He sounds like a right *cough* sorry to say :smile: I wouldn't want to be with anybody like that.
It sounds like you are on different maturity levels. Maybe you should take a serious look at the quality of your relationship.
I would have serious words with him, I wouldn't like it if my other half was disrespecting me like that. Tell him to either grow up or get lost.
What a prick.