The Student Room Group

Missing him.

Yes, so this maybe another thread about someone missing someone else.

I do apologise for anon post, but im not comfortable with people finding out who i they may not take this seriously and i do have friends here.

I've been in a relationship for about 17 months one and a half year. The thing is its a long distance relationship so we dont see each other often..ive been okay with the distance thing for sometime and its never actually bothered me as much because i could still speek to him/chat to him etc; but now all of a sudden i really miss him. To the extent were i have tears in my eyes. Also threads as "Where do guys like best to be kissed or touched?" make me want him with me more..i dont want to break up and find someone closer because i love madly in love with him and have been but i really do miss him. I've mentioed it to him and he tries to comfort me and says how one day we both are going to be together etc; but i still do miss 17 and hes 18. i just wanted to ask how people deal with this?
Move closer to him. Spend more time with him. Get a webcam? (That probably wouldn't help). Make sure the time you do spend together is quality.
Just enjoy the time which you spend together. I'm in a similar situation, but because my boyfriend has a full time job as a nurse he is pretty busy and when I'm at uni I'm also busy. However, the distance when I'm at uni isn't too bad but now I'm home we haven't been able to see each other. I haven't seen him in 5 weeks, but we just make sure we speak to each other a few times a week.
I agree with the above ^

Because you are apart so much,your time together will be great when you do get to see each other.I dont know much about relagtionships but I do know absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, on the positive side you will look forward to the next time you do see him.
Reply 5
'Absence makes the heart grow fonder'

:smile: Beat me to it.. and yeah..atleast the next time will be special
'Absence makes the heart grow fonder'

:smile: Beat me to it.. and yeah..atleast the next time will be special

Two minds thinking alike :p:
Reply 7
I try to focus on the next time we'll be seeing each other.
From time to time I also send random gifts.
Reply 8
My bf has just left to go abroad for 9 months and i'll only see him once during that time. It is hard as we were in a LDR before he left, but like people have said i guess all we can do is focus on when we can get to see each other. Hopefully there will be a point in the future when you will be able to be together on a more permanent basis.