The Student Room Group

Why do girls...

Like, if I'm walking past a girl and she's with her friend, they seem to look at me more than girls on their own.

Why do they do this? Is it for comparison? Does she want me to check her out and not her friend?

I have a girlfriend by the way, but I'm just curious!
Maybe she feels more confident to look at you if she has a friend by her side or maybe she does want you to notice her and not her friend. interesting.
It's more that commenting on how fit guys are on your own isn't much fun. If you're with a friend then you can both discuss it and it's more interesting - hence why they'll look!! It also means you can give your friend an idea of what 'type' you go for!
Because there's 2 of them (which will give them more confidence) and 1 of you. Maybe they were on the pull? I know girls tend to stare a lot at other girls and boys so they might be checking you out. Oh I don't know, I'm not a psychologist
Its much more fun to comment on a guy when you're with a friend because then you can discuss him together. It's always fun to find out the different guys you and your friend would go for and have a fun argument about it.
Reply 5
To some extent I do the same when I'm in a group of my friends.

I'm not into cat-calling but theres normally some sort of comment after passing a hottie.
Reply 6
It's no fun thinking, "oh man he's hot." It's more fun saying it (to a friend, who can also experience the beauty of the hot-man)
Reply 7
It's no fun thinking, "oh man he's hot." It's more fun saying it (to a friend, who can also experience the beauty of the hot-man)
Yup. This is why girls go to the loos in twos. It's so we can talk about stuff like this.
Reply 8
Maybe if the girls are extremely insecure they might be competing for the boy's attention in a weird way, but when I do it with my friends it's because it's fun to comment on him, as has been said.
Reply 10
Hate walking through town by myself soetimes lol well freaky when eyes are constantly at you from the opposite their groups XD

How do you seriously think we will come say hi if ur not alonee lol dont work like that :P
Reply 11
My and my mates do it alot.
Just for a laugh I guess. Its more fun when you're with other people