I was exactly like this last year, except I was going back to my school in September for 6th form. The only thing I can suggest you do is talk to them about it, they may not know how you feel and not realise what they're doing. Something I can suggest though is voluntary work. If when you finish college you want to go to Uni, voluntary work looks good, and in some cases is preferred. I want to do teaching when I go to uni and so Ive been helping out at a primary school. Its given me more confidence and experience that has definitely made me sure that is what I wanna do. The best way to do this would be to go to your careers place in school (if you have one which Im assuming you do) coz they'll be able to help you lots.
And remember, when you start college you'll make tons of new friends, so focus on that for now. I remember this time last year the people I considered my closest friends aren't anymore, Ive drifted from them and into a new group of friends, even though I stayed at the same school.