The Student Room Group

Applying for 2 consecutive summer internships

I'm doing a four year course at the Uni and have now completed my first year. What happens if I apply for 2008 summer internships and get rejected? Can I still apply for 2009 internships? I have heard that some banks have 12 month blocking periods when you can't re-apply. Does this 12 months begin from the date when I sent the application of from the date I got rejected? Do you happen to know which banks follow this 12 month policy? I can't find this information on their websites.

Many thanks.
good question.... can anyone answer that?
Reply 2
Usually internships are for penultimate-year students, not strictly second years, so you may have trouble doing as such. But I have known people to apply twice, ones as penultimate year and again before a masters, so I can't see there being much of an issue.
No worries, just as long as you try and are good enough.

RBS/Bar Cap offer internships to first year (/3 years) students and I know someone who has done:

1st/2nd year summer: RBS Markets
2nd/3rd yr summer: UBS M&A
3rd/4th yr summer: GS IBD

Wouldn't advise doing more than one internship though - what's the point?
Reply 4
I'm also considering the same, being on a 4 year course. I was, however thinking of applying to mainly back/middle office places for next summer, then the summer after trying for a front office position. Does anyone have any views/opinions regarding this idea?
Reply 5
No worries, just as long as you try and are good enough.

RBS/Bar Cap offer internships to first year (/3 years) students and I know someone who has done:

1st/2nd year summer: RBS Markets
2nd/3rd yr summer: UBS M&A
3rd/4th yr summer: GS IBD

Wouldn't advise doing more than one internship though - what's the point?

Wow, that guy must have quite a CV compiled!

I think there are plenty of reasons to do more than one internship: to pursue an interest in IB, to earn money, to gain experience, just to name a few valid reasons.
Reply 6
Yeah, agreed, but I believe these people are in the minority. An internship surely improves your chances of gaining a graduate job. But besides the point of getting a job at the end of it, having more than one internship will shout out to employers that the candidate has a genuine interest in the sector and has demonstrated so by undertaking more than one internship.

Furthermore, completing more than one internship can potentially allow you to experience several banks and sectors to help you decide which field/bank you would like to work in. 10 weeks in M&A might completely deter you from wanting to work there, while a summer in equities might swing your decision that way.

Just because a few people manage to get jobs without having secured an internship (many of whom have "contacts" :p:), it's not to say that you shouldn't try and get an internship under your belt. If you don't then you might never know if IB is really for you!
Reply 7
don't waste your summers - there are a lot of other ways to get insights into banks/divisions, and no, you don't need contacts!

- network at bankery events. network well, and you can get an internship/even a job offer (at top places too)
- spring weeks (shorter, sweeter, no work)
- scholarship/bursary schemes (really allows insight into bank's culture imho, and you get paid, and all the dinners etc, AND you get a free summer!)

One internship is enough for anyone. Go travelling, kids. It's the last chance you'll get.

But if someone is genuinely interested in IB, surely it's not a waste?