The Student Room Group

Kidney/Urinary problem

I don't know if I have a kidney stone, but everytime I go to the toilet with a full bladder I feel a sharp pain running up my right hand side (a stitch-like pain) during and after peeing. I drink pints of water everyday, no salt in my food or anything. I've had it for years on/off but this morning when I got up I was bursting to go and the pain in my side felt really bad. What could it be?
Reply 1
I'd go get it checked out. I've had a kidney infection and after it was cleared up I had to go have various scans to make sure there was no damaged done to my kidney. Hurt too.

If you're worried about wasting doc's time in case it is nothing, call NHS Direct.
Reply 2
ergh. if you have a kidney infection, you would know about it.
when i had one, i couldn't move. i couldn't do to the toilet, i was constantly throwing up, and was in so much pain that my boyfriend rushed me to the hospital, bless him. i couldn't eat much either, because of all the throwing up.
i was ill for days. they put me on some antibiotics and i was ok after a week or so, but man, i never want that again. i didn't get any sleep either. i couldn't relax because i was in so much pain.
Reply 3
Yeah in the past I've had kidney infections and cystitis a lot too. Recently though I've noticed that if I'm really needing to go and I have a full bladder, I have to sort of squeeze everything out, it doesn't all just come out at one like normal if you know what I mean..
Reply 4
i always have the feeling i need the loo, despite knowing i have an empty bladder.
Well definatly go to the GP as soon as poss.
Get it checked out with your doctor.
Reply 7
Obviously get it checked out, but in the meantime, try drinking cranberry juice. It's meant to be good for this sort of thing.
I'd go get it checked out. I've had a kidney infection and after it was cleared up I had to go have various scans to make sure there was no damaged done to my kidney. Hurt too.

If you're worried about wasting doc's time in case it is nothing, call NHS Direct.

See most people wouldn't use the phrase 'hurt too' in connection with kidney infection. they usually say 'i felt i was going to die, lived with my head in the toilet and couldn't stop sobbing between wretches'.

This, is not a kidney infection.
The pain is basically coming on as the bladder shrinks. Everyone gets that pain from time to time, its caused because the ureters go into spasm as they shrink. doesn't mean alot.

but if this is happening constantly/very often then see your GP.

don't bother with NHS direct. not for this.
Reply 9
See most people wouldn't use the phrase 'hurt too' in connection with kidney infection. they usually say 'i felt i was going to die, lived with my head in the toilet and couldn't stop sobbing between wretches'.

This, is not a kidney infection.
The pain is basically coming on as the bladder shrinks. Everyone gets that pain from time to time, its caused because the ureters go into spasm as they shrink. doesn't mean alot.

but if this is happening constantly/very often then see your GP.

don't bother with NHS direct. not for this.
Sorry Jamie. I'll add in more agonising words next time. I certainly didn't have my head in the loo either. Nor was I implying the OP had a kidney infection, merely that you don't want to muck about with your kidneys.
it took me a good 5 mins to figure out why you had underlined head.
I'm so slow today...
Reply 11
I'm bringing this thread back since I've been noticing more symptoms. Two or three times a day I get a sharp stabbing pain, usually in the lower abdomen towards my right side. It only happens for a few seconds but its very painful.
Reply 12
go to the doctors!

and i get that sometimes too... when i've been sitting down for a while or something ans stand up to quick, ouch it hurts!
Reply 13
See most people wouldn't use the phrase 'hurt too' in connection with kidney infection. they usually say 'i felt i was going to die, lived with my head in the toilet and couldn't stop sobbing between wretches'.

This, is not a kidney infection.
The pain is basically coming on as the bladder shrinks. Everyone gets that pain from time to time, its caused because the ureters go into spasm as they shrink. doesn't mean alot.

but if this is happening constantly/very often then see your GP.

don't bother with NHS direct. not for this.

How often is often? I had a kidney infection a few months back, had treatment for it at the time, but I dont feel Ive been right ever since, but I just put that down to it taking time to get better?? :confused: Im still getting pains quite often, getting up in the night to use the toilet, using the loo a lot during the day, is that normal (ie is it just my body getting better) or should I see my GP again?
How often is often? I had a kidney infection a few months back, had treatment for it at the time, but I dont feel Ive been right ever since, but I just put that down to it taking time to get better?? :confused: Im still getting pains quite often, getting up in the night to use the toilet, using the loo a lot during the day, is that normal (ie is it just my body getting better) or should I see my GP again?

Depends how much fluids you're drinking. Once had alady complaining to me she got up 4 times a night to use the loo. How much fluids do you drink? i asked. 5 litres she says, as the doctor ordered.

Think he meant 5 pints...
But still, alot of people with UTIs/kidney probs are told to drikin lots of fluids. which they do and then wonder why they spend half their time peeing.

If you have other probs - urgency (really need to go but only wee a little amount), nasty smelling urine, stinging/burning when passing urine, then it may be you have an ongoing infection - it can happen.
Reply 15
Depends how much fluids you're drinking. Once had alady complaining to me she got up 4 times a night to use the loo. How much fluids do you drink? i asked. 5 litres she says, as the doctor ordered.

Think he meant 5 pints...
But still, alot of people with UTIs/kidney probs are told to drikin lots of fluids. which they do and then wonder why they spend half their time peeing.

If you have other probs - urgency (really need to go but only wee a little amount), nasty smelling urine, stinging/burning when passing urine, then it may be you have an ongoing infection - it can happen.

If Im honest, Im not drinking as much fluids as I should be, and I promised myself that Id be a lot more careful about drinking more after what happened last time. I know it sounds odd but the problem is that I dont ever feel thirsty, so I often go for hours without having anything to drink, and then make myself have something :redface: Bad I know!! Also Im really careful about not drinking too much for the few hours before I go to bed, so that I dont have to get up. Doesnt work though, I still need to get up :rolleyes:
Whether it's a kidney infection or not you should still go to your doctor.

I know it's horrible going to the doctors, I hate it. Last year I had a terrible kidney infection and was in so much pain that I couldn't even yawn without being in agony. I still wouldn't go to the doctors though because I thought "It's nothing, it'll pass and I'll be alright". I had gone to stay with my parents because I was sent home from uni for being ill and eventually they persuaded me to go and see the doctor. He gave my antibiotics and I started to feel better after a couple of days :smile:
sounds like a urinary tract infection. I've had one for 8 years, lasting between about 2 hours and 6 months at a time. it's the most debilitating horrifically painful thing i've ever felt, not only does it cause agony when i pee but even when i'm not weeing if i'm having an attack it's so bad i can't even leave the house.

sad thing is, there's nothing they can do. antibiotics do nothing, i think my bladder is just scarred from having it for 6 months when i was 11.
Reply 18
Oh kidney infections...

The last one i had i was rolling around on the sofa crying when i wasn´t in the loo being sick. It is very hard to drink water when you can´t swallow without wanting to gag :frown:

I do everything i´m meant to do. I know how to wipe my arse, i take cranberry tablets (better than the juice for recurrent problems) and still they come back. I have a frequent visitor pass with the hospital at home and at uni.

Seriously, go and see a doctor. The first time i had it i did nothing because i thought it was back pain. My ex ended up calling an ambulance when i passed out on the phone and its been trouble ever since...