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Get over first love

They always tell you that your first will always be specia. I'm stuck on what I should do to get over someone very special. I got some good advice somebody else's problem about how my partner wanted to see another guy. :frown: It's looking likely that she likes him and after everything I tryied, I think and feel like I should stop trying to win her over. It's hard because I see her a lot in Uni, at work and between our friends. I can't picture her likeing another man :frown: She hasn't blown ne off nor ended it but it's coming, I can see it. I dont kno what to do :frown: I wish I could run away from all of this but, as above there, is a lot that keeps us together.

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Reply 1
They always tell you that your first will always be specia. I'm stuck on what I should do to get over someone very special. I got some good advice somebody else's problem about how my partner wanted to see another guy. :frown: It's looking likely that she likes him and after everything I tryied, I think and feel like I should stop trying to win her over. It's hard because I see her a lot in Uni, at work and between our friends. I can't picture her likeing another man :frown: She hasn't blown ne off nor ended it but it's coming, I can see it. I dont kno what to do :frown: I wish I could run away from all of this but, as above there, is a lot that keeps us together.

I forgot to say please keep me as anon because friends visit TSR and I dont want people to know or hassle me about this! thanks
Reply 2
your first love is special, and I hate to be the one to break it to you but you'll never fully get over them. That, or it will take a very long time. In my experience the best solution is to keep yourself busy so you don't have time to sit and think about it.

Whatever happens, just remember that it will get better, and you will be happy again, despite how you may feel.
same advice as above really.

you will never really get over them, a bit of you will alwyas belong to them and you cant change that.

it will get easier with time and just focus on the positives afterall that's really all that will help

xx hope it hurts less soon xx
Reply 4
I'm sure I'm just repeating what has been said, however, remember the good times, that feeling of complete security, that someone you could trust and care for no matter what. They will be, and always will be someone special. Time will heal your wounds, and one day, you'll bump into someone once again, and you'll know how it feels to love once again.

Just don't fill yourself up with hatred and bitterness, it is a dark road that I plead you don't go down.

Good luck and all the best.
Reply 5
you know what, i'm sorry this isn't going to help you very much op, but it's things like this that remind me why i never want to be in a relationship. ever. why do people truly want to share their lives with someone else and place complete trust in them? weird.
Reply 6
Though you can strongly disagree with what I'm about to say, it still stands for the majority of the time.

It's not normally a choice. It just happens.

Though I have to agree with you (ph9), I have no intention to allow someone to pain me through love again. Though I'm sure it's all part of the process.
Reply 7
was that aimed at me? because i'm going to comment anyway...

i don't actually strongly disagree with that. i think if you're probably fairly unaware or not against relationships/invasion of privacy, it probably does just happen somewhat uncontrollably. but if anyone's anything like me, it's probably a lot lot lot less likely it'll 'just happen' for them. seriously, the thought alone of sharing myself like that with someone else makes me shudder and feel agitated and dirty (as in 'i need a shower' type dirty, not any other dirty you people might be thinking)
Reply 8
To be honest I couldn't give a **** about my first love.

My second one there's something I won't forget.

I was just reading an article about this in a German paper actually... It said the relationships you have in your youth are often the most intense, and they stay deeply anchored in your mind basically throughout your life. It then went on to say **** loads of people have been reunited with their old flames. Excellent.
Reply 9
Took me one year exactly.
Reply 10
Well, I imagine to get over your first love, you just have to be determined to do so. Be determined to carry on, to love, to live, and just carry on. God knows what I'm gonna do if my bf broke up with me now, but seeing as we've done the break up thing once, I know last time was horrible and I was so completely destroyed for the very short time of 2 months. And I know if it happens again, I'm determined for that to never happen again, and I'm determined to be happy again, and to live again, and to love again.

I hope I never have to cross that bridge.

And as for getting over my first crush, whom I thought was my first love but turned out he wasn't - can't have been - it took me a year, and to this day I still have a soft spot for him. Actually gonna meet him this week for the first time in two years - now that's gonna be interesting lol. But how I got over him - I dunno - just cried a lot and, well, time. There's nothing that can make you feel better except time, really, and sometimes even time doesn't heal completely.
Reply 11

I hope I never have to cross that bridge.

do you realise how high this expectation is? surely it's better for yourself if you just admit it's probably going to happen, the chances that it WILL happen are a lot greater than the chances that it won't happen because life is just evil like that :frown: it's such an excessively dependent thought to have

just putting the idea out there.
Reply 12
do you realise how high this expectation is? surely it's better for yourself if you just admit it's probably going to happen, the chances that it WILL happen are a lot greater than the chances that it won't happen because life is just evil like that :frown: it's such an excessively dependent thought to have

just putting the idea out there.

True, very true. But being paranoid will do me no good - I can't prepare myself for a heartbreak, so I'm just gonna enjoy what I have now. I've tried preparing myself and it only leads to paranoia. Who knows. Well, I hope we don't break up lol, why wouldn't I hope so?
Reply 13
Mm. Suffice it to say that becoming overly preoccupied with the transient nature of human relationships can tend to exert the bearing of a self-fulfilling prophecy. By all means, endeavour to have your cake and eat it too; but only on the proviso that you will more-than-likely be left without the satisfaction of either.

Unrequited infatuation is a personal hell with which I have been quite-intimately acquainted. However, I have dealt with it before; and I can, if need be, endure it again. After all, if nothing else; I am programmed to.
Reply 14
True, very true. But being paranoid will do me no good - I can't prepare myself for a heartbreak, so I'm just gonna enjoy what I have now. I've tried preparing myself and it only leads to paranoia. Who knows. Well, I hope we don't break up lol, why wouldn't I hope so?

Ah yeah, paranoia can be a bit of a killer. at least you're sort of aware of it though... somewhere in your mind you're doubtful perhaps but despite this you've made the decision you're not going to let it manifest your every move and just enjoy it and hope for the best.

to be completely dependent on the hope that you'll be together forever and forever (which i'm afraid too many people do nowadays which is why so many poorpeople have to deal with friends slobbering all over them) is a bit pitiful i think :frown:

then again, i'm also aware of the fact that it's just the way some people are and it's how they like to live, trusting others constantly and putting themselves out there no matter how many times they've been given reasons not to which is quite respectable really.
Reply 15
Mm. Suffice it to say that becoming overly preoccupied with the transient nature of human relationships can tend to exert the bearing of a self-fulfilling prophecy. By all means, endeavour to have your cake and eat it too; but only on the proviso that you will more-than-likely be left without the satisfaction of either.

Unrequited infatuation is a personal hell with which I have been quite-intimately acquainted. However, I have dealt with it before; and I can, if need be, endure it again. If nothing else, I was designed to.

do you actually literally speak like this? genuinely curious here.
Reply 16
I still wasn’t till last week really (we broke up in April), till I pulled some other girl last week. Now I’m totally over my ex.

When someone said to me straight after I split that 'the best way to get over a girl to go out and pull another' I thought it was slightly evil and that I wasn’t that type of guy, plus I really loved my ex. However, her mates were telling her the same thing and she was a bit weak minded, so I didn’t see the point in my being virtuous. I don’t know what it is about pulling another girl, it’s probably something superficial, but it just helps you forget about first love so easily.

I personally thought nobody could beat my ex until I bagged this one last week, it sort of puts things back into perspective and you stop thinking of your ex in a nostalgic manner, as though she was some super woman. Just remember you break up for a reason. Awesome.
Reply 17
I still wasn’t till last week really (we broke up in April), till I pulled some other girl last week. Now I’m totally over my ex.

When someone said to me straight after I split that 'the best way to get over a girl to go out and pull another' I thought it was slightly evil and that I wasn’t that type of guy, plus I really loved my ex. However, her mates were telling her the same thing and she was a bit weak minded, so I didn’t see the point in my being virtuous. I don’t know what it is about pulling another girl, it’s probably something superficial, but it just helps you forget about first love so easily.

I personally thought nobody could beat my ex until I bagged this one last week, it sort of puts things back into perspective and you stop thinking of your ex in a nostalgic manner, as though she was some super woman. Just remember you break up for a reason. Awesome.

Couldn't agree more; though it is sometimes all-too easy to distrust one's reasons for having broken-up, especially when they seem to operate almost entirely from circumstance.
Reply 18
do you actually literally speak like this? genuinely curious here.

After a fashion; yes. My brain derives a perverse satisfaction from polished syntax. Possibly because I don't really sate it much otherwise (much to my discredit).
Reply 19
Ah yeah, paranoia can be a bit of a killer. at least you're sort of aware of it though... somewhere in your mind you're doubtful perhaps but despite this you've made the decision you're not going to let it manifest your every move and just enjoy it and hope for the best.

to be completely dependent on the hope that you'll be together forever and forever (which i'm afraid too many people do nowadays which is why so many poorpeople have to deal with friends slobbering all over them) is a bit pitiful i think :frown:

then again, i'm also aware of the fact that it's just the way some people are and it's how they like to live, trusting others constantly and putting themselves out there no matter how many times they've been given reasons not to which is quite respectable really.

Paranoia is more fear really - irrational fear. You fear the heartbreak, you fear the rejection, you fear this that and the other. If you wanna be afraid, there're a lot of things you could be afraid about. And I've learnt that you disspell paranoia by reason - if you've got no reason to be afraid, then you're being paranoid, therefore to let paranoia destroy you is utterly stupid, because you're worrying yourself over nothing.

Hmm well I don't know how great I would be at putting myself out there again and again. But it's about choosing wisely and going slowly, isn't it? If you choose wisely, then even if things don't work out, you've taken something, you've learnt something and you become a stronger, better person for it. But I guess I wouldn't say this as casually if I was going through a break up right now, but I've promised myself that I'd never let a guy destroy me. It's utterly stupid to kill yourself over a guy.