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just pointing out- your not anon
Reply 2
I ticked the box, then accidentally refreshed the page and it unticked @_@, oh well, doesn't matter...
Reply 3
Ignore them all and make new and real life friends. This M person is way too creepy to be associating with.
yeah...ignore it and forget them- sounds fishy and M does seem like a creep
Reply 5
I know G in real life, and D moved away 5 years ago, we just re-united online and have seen each other a few times since. G's D's cousin :wink:
Reply 6
Ah, ok. Well, ignore M anyway. Whatever positive feelings you may harbour towards this weirdo, ditch now. Listen to your rational and shrewd side.
Reply 7
Block M online and if you go to the convention, stay close to D and other friends so M can't get near you.
Reply 8
Give M a slap too maybe
Reply 9
Tell D - and if he needs proof, show him your msn conversations with M and explain etc. G will back you up on M's behaviour. Surely you can meet D on another occasion?

M sounds extremely creepy. I hope you haven't gone and given him your address? Ignore M's texts/phonecalls and block him on msn. If needs be, change phone numbers.
Reply 10
Yes I must agree this 'M' dude sounds a right old creepy peadophile! Sounds dramatic I know but if you were just a few months younger and 15 and the police or your parents caught wind of the way he was behaving towards you thats how they would see it.
You must cut all contact with 'M', he is a complete creep and to be honest meeting up with him was a bit silly, lets be honest its not really safe these days, worst case scenario is he could have forced you to do things you didnt want to i.e. rape etc.
Tell 'D' immediately, you have G to back you up and if necessary show 'D' some of the MSN conversations. If he doesnt support or believe you then I am afraid he isnt worth all the effort.
Echoing what has been said above if you do go to this convention stick like glue to 'G' and other people you know and are safe with, stay as far as possible away from this 'M' dude. Let him know how bad his pervy and sadistic behaviour is and that you do not want to talk to him but other than that avoid all contact with him.

Be Safe :smile:
Reply 11
To be frank, why would you attend this convention when a) anime isn't even your 'thing', you've said and b) one of the people in question (who'll you'll almost definitely come across) is an absolute twerp? there really would be no question in my mind, i just wouldn't want to go :-/
Reply 12
Definitely don't go. No way. And stop communicating with M fullstop. What do you owe him, why do you have to keep responding?
Collect evidence and report him to the police. You don't want him out there potentially harming other more naive girls.
Yeah, for your own safety seeing this guy is not right. I sure know I wouldn't take a trip to London when I was 15 to see some man off the net, especially since he made all those comments/touched you.
Reply 15
Collect evidence and report him to the police. You don't want him out there potentially harming other more naive girls.

I agree.
Whoever M is, you need to stay well away from him.
Reply 17
I would suggest staying away from this M guy and not going to the convention.

You should perhaps tell D about it. Just so that he understands why you don't want to go. And then if you do go he'll be with you and you can keep away from creepy M. But, I think it's probably not safe to go near him.

Perhaps you should consider going to the police. Men of 25 should not be talking like that to 15 year old girls! And you never know how bad he could be. You don't know that he doesn't do this to girls that are even younger.

And may I add, and I don't want to come across as mean or anything, that it was very stupid to meet up with him in the first place. Especially after how he'd acted around you online.
Reply 18
get some friends your own age maybe?
Keep the hell away from M, as has been said block and delete him online and blokc his number on your phone, if you have any kind of contact with him it'll just encourage him to carry on. Tell D whats happened, if you guys are almost a couple and if you trusted his judgment of M in the first place you must be pretty close and i think you could do with him as well as G to help you out.
I'd say you should only go to the convention if you tell D, because you don't know what might happen otherwise, and this why D will be on your side and keep you away from M. If you can help it don't go, D will understand.