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i'd say father ted too, its just classic. i seem to remember in the vicar of dibley for every good joke there was one that fell flat (and the 2 special ones on earlier this year, what was the point?). also two words : Father Jack :biggrin:
Reply 2
The only character to make me laugh with three words!!!!!!!!!! Feck, drink and girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone ever see when Fr Ted tried to tech him to say the wotd 'that'. Genius
"Yes!" "that would be an ecumenical matter" " I LOVE MY BRICK!":biggrin:
Reply 4
Father Ted is on the whole funnier I would say. Although there is a lot of lame humour in there. But the episode in which everyone's convinced Ted was a racist was hilarious, especially his unintential Nazi impression as the Chinese family were arriving!

But VoD has some really crappy stuff. So Father Ted overall.
Reply 5
Damask Ellion
Feck, drink and girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Father Ted was better. Can't believe Vicar of Dibley was voted 3rd best British sitcom!
Reply 6
Difficult. :eek: I think I prefer Father Ted a tiny bit - I just love Dougal so much.
Reply 7
father Ted makes me laugh more..but I prefer vicar of dibley. does that make sense!!
Reply 8
I love The Vicar Of Dibley, and I can watch every single episode a ton of times and never get bored of it (I can recite pretty much entire episodes, I love it that much!). I love Father Ted too, but I've never watched all the episodes, and I find I only feel like watching it if there's a certain episode I really like on ('Chirpy Burpy Cheap Sheep' is a classic! "Chris, the unhappy sheep!" And obviously the one with the Hitler 'tache!). It is very clever...ooh I don't know!
Reply 9
This is a tough one. I love both TV shows but I guess I'd have to say Vicar of Dibley purely because I've seen more of the episodes and can rewatch them without getting bored. :smile:
Father Ted! Sometimes I fast forward just so I can get to the parts with Father Jack in it... DRINK! DRINK! The AA episode is hillarious!
Who do you think is funnier Father Jack or Dougal?

Got to be Dougal, one of the best characters of any sitcom.
Father Ted without a doubt! Hilarious. I love Father Ted (the character) the most, then Dougal, then Jack. Brilliant show, it really is.
My lovely horse...
Reply 13
How about a poll?

Father Ted by a mile if you ask me ;yes;
Father Ted :smile:
I love both of these shows, but Father Ted wins slightly. I think its more interesting. But they are both really funny :smile:
Reply 16
Definitely Father Ted. It's hilarious! Vicar of Dibley's okay, but I've never really found it that funny tbh. Father Ted, on the other hand, is ingenious. I love Dougal and Jack's fecking brilliant! :biggrin:
Gotta be Father Ted :biggrin:
Reply 18

I am sorry!!! lol