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Immigration Dissertation??!!

I'm thinking of doing my dissertation on 'the impact of immigration on the UK economy.'

Do y'all think that would be a good idea and if so can you suggest any good writers, sources etc??!!

any help appreciated!! :tsr2:

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I'm no-one to comment on I've not even got to uni yet, but you seemed to have changed your mind quite clearly in the last few days as seen by your threads in this sub-forum...
And surely...your dissertation takes the direction/angle you want it to...maybe you want to put some more thought into it?
Meh, just my opinion :s-smilie:
Reply 2
they were the two ideas I have been bouncing between.

Thanks for the advice though. ne1 got sum real advice??!!:smile:
Ask TSE user "shady lane". She's an IR major at LSE.
Reply 4
Ask TSE user "shady lane". She's an IR major at LSE.

she said she doesn't know about immigration in the UK
Oh that's bad. I couldn't help you...
Reply 6
ne other ideas?
Reply 7
Reply 8
say that the influx of workers from abroad- both those with qualifications and both those without- has meant that we now have a strange situation where there are too many people with degree's who cannot get a job- e.g. teachers, doctors, massive oversupply- who remained unemployed as they are unwilling to do the low-paid no qualification jobs.

also say it has plugged our skill gap in numerous areas such as building.
or you could talk about the ghettos that have arisen from these immigrants and how they have benefitted greatly from out insurance and welfare schemes while contributing very little. or you could take the other line that immigrants actually work much harder that the british and so contribute a lot in the form of taxes or something like that..

are u doing a degree? what uni?
You could talk about how they have filled low skilled jobs that not enough of the native population is willing to do. They are willing to drive the buses and keep at that job, which is why bus companies are now forced to recruit abroad. Furthermore without immigration the NHS surely would have been up ****** creek without a paddle.

I think you need to be more specific, talk about a specific group. Maybe the new European accession migrants, different groups of immigrants have very different histories and patterns of migration; which is something to certainly think about when conducting your study.
Reply 10
400,000 immigrants from new EU countries since 2004 or something i seem to rememberr
I'm doing a business economics degree

1. Does 'the impact on the UK labour market and macro-economic policy consequences of A8 migration' sound ok??! or too broad?! :s-smilie:

2. lemme get something straight!: if I don't do any of my own econometrics, what do I include in the main body of the text??

Could I analyse critically, say, two different models about the effect of immigration in the UK and draw conclusions from that, or would it be better to have a go at some econometrics myself??

'cos even though I got 80 odd percent on my econometrics course last year, the econometrics for these papers looks pretty hardcore and I'm not too keen.
What you are asking is very specific: none of us know you, nor the requirements of your university and therefore your university tutors should be your first port of call.

However, your title seems to be very very broad: how many words do you have? I may be wrong, but with your title as general as it is, I would think that you will struggle to get a comprehensive essay in 12,000 words. Bear in mind that whole textbooks have been written on this subject. I think the other problem is that because so many text books have been written about the economic effect of immigration, you will find it pretty difficult to come up with anything that original.
if I look at, for example, 'the labour market impact of immigration to the UK economy from the EU countries since 2004'.

is that focused enough??
Reply 16
Working for the government looking at Labour Economics, I would say that I'm in a good position to answer. Your question will be hard to answer with any data and will more than likely be a literature review rather than something unique.

I would suggest looking at a different topic altogether and perhaps something to do with a major economic event occurring in europe to see if it had an impact upon the relevant sector in that country AND the UK (as free market labour economics predict it does).

PM me if you need any more help.
Reply 18
I'm basically doing the same thing and the literature review is a big part of my project, I was wondering if you could tell me some useful articles and journals that is relevant to this topic for my literature review, preferably ones focusing on E.U immigration since the recession
Reply 19
Original post by sins55
Working for the government looking at Labour Economics, I would say that I'm in a good position to answer. Your question will be hard to answer with any data and will more than likely be a literature review rather than something unique.

I would suggest looking at a different topic altogether and perhaps something to do with a major economic event occurring in europe to see if it had an impact upon the relevant sector in that country AND the UK (as free market labour economics predict it does).

PM me if you need any more help.

I'm basically doing the same thing and the literature review is a big part of my project, I was wondering if you could tell me some useful articles and journals that is relevant to this topic for my literature review, preferably ones focusing on E.U immigration since the recession

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