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Reply 1
I don't think it's available on the NHS yet. I think you can get it privately but it costs quite a bit... £500 I think. Definitely in the hundreds.

And yes you need 3, but HPV is responsible for most cases of cervical cancer, so any amount of injections would be worth stopping that. Okay so when it finds its way onto the NHS i'll probably kick up a fuss but i'll listen to my own logic in the end.
Reply 2
Yep. Had my second one a maybe 5 weeks ago. It hurts like all hell. It's free for 16-25 y.o. girls though, so why not?
I'm getting it today.
Yep. Had my second one a maybe 5 weeks ago. It hurts like all hell. It's free for 16-25 y.o. girls though, so why not?

You Aussie too?
Yeah well I figure because it's free, I should go for it.
But needles are scary :s: I thought I was done with them after high school!
Reply 5
shady lane
I'm getting it today.

ooh enjoy!
Reply 6
You Aussie too?
Yeah well I figure because it's free, I should go for it.
But needles are scary :s: I thought I was done with them after high school!

nope they never ever end! :s-smilie:
Reply 7
Yep. Had my second one a maybe 5 weeks ago. It hurts like all hell. It's free for 16-25 y.o. girls though, so why not?

If it's not on NHS, how can you get it for free? I'd like to have it, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
ooh enjoy!

Yes, I hate needles but am looking forward to a life free of HPV, cervical cancer, and infertility :biggrin:
Apparently its recomended for women upto the age of 26. When will it be available on the NHS?
Reply 10
I've had the first two, and it hurt more than I thought (not to put anyone off . . .:p: ) but it's definately worth it if you get the chance.
Any small prick would be better then ending up with cervical cancer or other problems.
If it's not on NHS, how can you get it for free? I'd like to have it, but I'm not sure how to go about it.

Different countries mate
Does it mean you're free of ordinary warts too?
I've gotten the first so far. I really should schedule the rest.
Reply 15
Does it mean you're free of ordinary warts too?

Don't think so. It's only against the specific types of HPV that have been identified as common causes of Cervical cancer.
Don't think so. It's only against the specific types of HPV that have been identified as common causes of Cervical cancer.

it does. Gardasil protects against over 90% of genital warts.

Anyone want any info on Gardasil, HPV/Cervical cancer etc ask me. Not only am i generally a god in the field, but i just had a mighty long chat with the gardasil drug rep today about it, got some leaflets etc.

it is a 3 course, usually 1 injection, then another at 2 months, then another at 6 months. If you go private they cost £82.50 each. (hence 3x £82.50).
Not £500 (tho some clinics of course might addd a bit of a markup, you should be able to get it through your GP if you pay them for it)

And it still isn't available on the NHS in most areas because the local health trusts are being ******s.
Reply 17
it does. Gardasil protects against over 90% of genital warts.


Does it protect against warts other than genital warts though? I'm all curious now :p:

One of my friends got a black spot on her arm for days after the vaccination. It was kinda cool. :biggrin:
No the main type of other warts is caused by HPV 2, which is not part of the vaccination.
Reply 19
Does it mean you're free of ordinary warts too?

No the main type of other warts is caused by HPV 2, which is not part of the vaccination.

well there you go then.