The Student Room Group

Advice please.

Tommorrow, I have an appointment to see an urologist. The problem is, I haven't told anyone I have been having the problems that I have been having and therefore no-one knows of this appointment.

I'm going to make somethng up to my parents: I'm going shopping etc. but I don't know if this will work because I have no idea the length/nature of my appointment. :frown:

Should I tell someone? (I don't think I can!) Anyone been in a similar situation or know of someone who has been/is? :frown:
Reply 1
Why can't you tell them? If you're under 18, you may need parental consent to recieve certain treatments, so they're likely to find out sooner or later.
Reply 2
Tell your parents or at least a trusted friend. If it's anything serious medically, you're gonna want and need support from people around you.

Otherwise if you must make up an excuse, say you're going round to a friend's for dinner. That way, you're not gonna be home til late. Make sure you tell someone, turn to someone though if it's serious - you need the support cus you're gonna be scared.