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Reply 1
sat on it for too long?
Reply 2
Get it checked if I were you.

Better safe than sorry.
Reply 3
i know what you was for me though when i sat too long on it when it was drooping down as it naturally does...and i didnt realise tll i got up and got weird feeling
Reply 4
definatly get it checked out.
Reply 5
Hmm I have been sitting down a lot, and dont notice it when standing up, so it could be that. But never got it in the past. Guess it's worth checking out.
Reply 6
yer just incase something is developing :smile:
Reply 7
I used to get random testicle pains. Still happens very occasionally. Best to get it checked out like I did, but it's probably nothing.
Reply 8
tbh it is usually nothing until its really serious...but as yu know you own body very well you would know if its really bad
Reply 9
tbh it is usually nothing until its really serious...but as yu know you own body very well you would know if its really bad

well no not always, its far to easy to just dismiss a discomfort as something else just because it shares a symptom. personally i wouldnt want to mess around with testicular pain / irregularity.

oh and some advice for free ; having REP ME IF YOU LIKE MY POSTS. in your sig will more than likely attract you more neg and warnings then anything.
Reply 10
Hoi hoi, coming from someone who experienced a similar thing (even down to the right testical part), I'd advise you to see a GP about it. I didn't, and experienced pains around 6 times on and off for a year or two (was probably down to bad sleeping positions), until eventually i woke up one morning being sick and experiencing a much greater pain in my tes-ti-cule. I went to a GP that morning and he said it was only an infection and gave me some anti-biotics and told me that it'd clear up in 7 days or so. cue me unable to move due to pain for 5 days and my testicle swelling up double the size. it was quite clear to me and my parents that this wasnt just an infection and I got my actual doctor to make a home visit and he correctly identified the problem as a torsion, i had to go to hospital and have the testicle removed.

Now obviously I'm not trying to scare you with IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU NEXT kind of reasoning, but i would say for definate you should never, along with the neck, take any chances with regards to pain in your testicles and hoping it will just go away.

You won't have a torsion (the testicle dies within a few hours of it happening and you'd KNOW if something was desperately wrong), but it could still happen if you don't keep a close eye on how you progress and with regards to it happening again.

Reply 11
Over past few days, its not hurt... but like... cant describe it well, I am just conscious its there! Lol. Sounds funny, but like I guess its a mild pain (but pain is the wrong word, as its not pain). It just feels weird.

No lumps etc. Any ideas what it could be?

Any pain in between your testicles and arse? Any strange penile movements, frequent urination?

Could be a UTI, could be prostatis, could be twisted pipes.
Reply 12
Hmm I have been sitting down a lot, and dont notice it when standing up, so it could be that. But never got it in the past. Guess it's worth checking out.

They'll send you to GUM clinic. Any probs down their are assumed to be STI/D's these days. If you're lucky, your'll get the help you actually need about a month after you first go and see the Dr. Just warning you, they are right arseholes about this kind of thing.

Say you've got a 'runny nose' and they hand out the antibiotics like chewits. Acute prostate infection? They'll need to run a 'few tests' first, and probably only give you the pills you need about a month down the line.

They will of course make sure to hassle you about smoking. ******s.
If you're concerned about it (which I presume you are, given the usual feelings from men towards their testes :rolleyes:) go and see your GP, there's not harm in it.
Reply 14
Misunderstood Beauty
If you're concerned about it (which I presume you are, given the usual feelings from men towards their testes :rolleyes:) go and see your GP, there's not harm in it.

Can I ask why worrying about your testicles is rolleyes territory?
Reply 15
Can I ask why worrying about your testicles is rolleyes territory?

Seconded. I would think that the relative prevalence of testicular cancer in young people would be reason enough to be cautious.

That said, and to the OP, if there are no obvious lumps you have no real reason to be worried. I get slight pains like that every so often, but they usually subside before long. If you are worried then going to see the doctor is the best course of action, but don't fret too much.
Reply 16
Any pain in between your testicles and arse? Any strange penile movements, frequent urination?

Could be a UTI, could be prostatis, could be twisted pipes.

Today its been pretty much all day, and its fairly paintful now, well uncomfortable. No other pains in those other areas you listed, though.
Reply 17
Today its been pretty much all day, and its fairly paintful now, well uncomfortable. No other pains in those other areas you listed, though.

*EDIT* Just re-read your post, if your symptoms are acute and very painful, perhaps it would be a good idea to get down A&E? Could be torsion, which as the bloke above said, really isn't good. *EDIT*

I've just been to the GUM clinic myself regarding such matters today actually mate, perfect thread timing :smile:. I went to my GP and listing my symptoms etc was referred to the clinic. They did all the usual stuff, urine sample, blood test etc. Urrm, it can be embarrassing :p:, and slightly uncomfortable at times, but they are usually pretty good at the clinics and will either make a referral to a specialist or make a diagnosis and as such give a prescription their and then. Your GP will either refer you directly or give you contact details. Either drop in at one of the open sessions (warning, this can be long, and you might not even get seen), or ring in and get an appointment. Though this can be equally long...bastard NHS ay.

I've got prostatitis, which is fun lol. No idea what you could have though, but it sounds like an infection of some sort. Infections of the urinary tract, bladder, prostate, all can have this as a symptom, given how close they all are to the balls! Hope this helps and all is well, and seriously, we all know this kind of thing can be very worrying and stressful but ultimately it is usually pretty minor :smile:.
Reply 18
see a gp / walk in clinic tommorow.
Yeah and be sure to take your testicle along in a jar for them to examine!