To be honest, you say you love your boyfriend "so much", but from reading your post, you actually don't seem to be that into him, let alone in love with him. Have a think about that. Is there any grain of truth in what I'm suggesting?
It does sound like your boyfriend is a little insecure, but then again, it also sounds like he has reason to be. You say when you go out, "he HAS to touch" you, but surely you should want him to be touching you and/or holding your hand anyway? I think most couples enjoy these little discreet signs that they're together, which stop single people from approaching them and hitting on them. You sound to be irritated by them. I think that if you are irritated by your boyfriend trying to show some affection in public, you're either embarrassed of him, or deep down embarrassed that you're still with him and haven't found a way to leave him. Neither option sounds great, really.
If you're really busy and can't spend time with your boyfriend, that's fair enough. He should accept that. But if he suggests spending time with you at a time when you are actually free with nothing better to do, saying that he "could come over if he wanted, but would be bored" does sound like you don't really want him to be there. Surely you should be thinking of him all the time, and wanting to spend as much time together as possible?
Using "I love you" as a way of making you feel bad might be emotional blackmail. Never nice. But are you feeling bad because of what he's trying to achieve there, or because you don't love him and him saying he loves you, just highlights that fact?
I apologise if I'm totally off the mark, but if you're giving the majority of us the impression you don't love your boyfriend, is it any wonder why he doesn't feel loved?