The Student Room Group

Being a girl and liking other girls.


I am a girl (17) and I have liked other girls for about 2 years now. I also like boys, which perhaps makes me bi? It frustrates me sometimes because of how society looks at things like this. Neither my parents nor my friends know. I don't know whether I should tell them, Is it a phase and it'll pass? I've only had one relationship with a girl and the rest have been with boys. Thanks for the advice in advance.

I am a girl (17) and I have liked other girls for about 2 years now. I also like boys, which perhaps makes me bi? It frustrates me sometimes because of how society looks at things like this. Neither my parents nor my friends know. I don't know whether I should tell them, Is it a phase and it'll pass? I've only had one relationship with a girl and the rest have been with boys. Thanks for the advice in advance.

yeah it sounds to me like your bi.. theres nothing wrong with this :smile: It's up to you whether or not you tell your parents. If you do decide to have a relationship with a girl i suppose it would be best to tell them! Otherwise I wouldnt say it makes much jut gives you a bit more choice.. :p:
Reply 2
Might be, might not be (a "phase"). Doesn't matter either way. You can tell people or not. It's none of their business. Again, it doesn't really matter either way.
I don't get why there are so many of these threads.
It's not like people go through adolescence, realise they are straight and then ask for advice on what to do about it...
Reply 3
Might be, might not be (a "phase"). Doesn't matter either way. You can tell people or not. It's none of their business. Again, it doesn't really matter either way.
I don't get why there are so many of these threads.
It's not like people go through adolescence, realise they are straight and then ask for advice on what to do about it...

Hehe true. Tbh in todays society there are far fewer bigoted people and many will not mid, or even care, about your sexuality.
Maybe you are more bi-curious or unsure even.
Reply 5
Just go with the flow. Worry about labels if and only if you have to fill in a form about your sexuality. Which is unlikely to ever happen.
I wouldn't worry about it. I know quite a few people in the same situation as you. If it has been two years, well, that's quite a long 'phase'. But you're still young and experimenting is understandable.
Don't feel you have to tell people anything you don't want to. It's your private life.
:dito: it seems like a phase you are going through, completely normal :smile:

I remember going through it too, I think you'll find most of us do.

at 17 indeed it could be a phase, I think many experience that kinda thing, including myself. I'm not scared to say it. Perhaps you shouldn't tell anyone, or at least not until you're 100% sure. Because it can make people look at you differently...
I wouldn't worry about it. I know quite a few people in the same situation as you. If it has been two years, well, that's quite a long 'phase'. But you're still young and experimenting is understandable.
Don't feel you have to tell people anything you don't want to. It's your private life.

:ditto: Fantastic advice.
It could just be part of being an adolescent. Wait and see.
Reply 11
Being bi is fashionable for girls these days anyway. Sounds like you're bi, but why do you need to define yourself? Just go out with people you like, be happy about it and don't take any crap from anyone.
My latest celeb crush is Kim from America's Next Top Model :redface:

I wanna do her,lol and I'm meant to be straight.
Reply 13
I never understand with this thing of 'experimenting' when your young. Why are people more likely to do it? I started thinking girls were hot at like 13 and.....carried on thinking girls are hot since then. I dont understand the increased tendancy to expierment in adolesance, why does it happen?

There's nothing wrong with it, I just dont understand why it happens.
Reply 14

I am a girl (17) and I have liked other girls for about 2 years now. I also like boys, which perhaps makes me bi? It frustrates me sometimes because of how society looks at things like this. Neither my parents nor my friends know. I don't know whether I should tell them, Is it a phase and it'll pass? I've only had one relationship with a girl and the rest have been with boys. Thanks for the advice in advance.

its called being bisexual, correct. It is perfectly acceptable in society nowadays to be bi. I am straight myself so don't know what you are going through, but i have a lot of bi and gay friends from uni and they all are relieved that the people in uni are liberal - it all depends where you are really....some areas of london are anti bi and anti gay and being 'different' is frowned upon. In posher areas and even in oxford and parts of manchester, being bi is seen as being acceptable - when you go to university you'll find many people like yourself and you'll be fine:smile: - only one more year to go - patience is a virtue

I am a girl (17) and I have liked other girls for about 2 years now. I also like boys, which perhaps makes me bi? It frustrates me sometimes because of how society looks at things like this. Neither my parents nor my friends know. I don't know whether I should tell them, Is it a phase and it'll pass? I've only had one relationship with a girl and the rest have been with boys. Thanks for the advice in advance.

Sounds like you're bisexual then. Whether or not it'll pass only you can say that. In every society there will always be some for of bigotry whether it's in form of racial discrimination, homophobia etc. We can safely say it is not a common problem in modern day Britain but it still rears its ugly head now and again. You just have to learn to deal with it should such a situation arise. That shouldn't really bother you. If I worried about racial abuse every time I went out to bars and clubs I'd just be a recluse. For the record I have never experienced any racial abuse in any bars or clubs.
Reply 16
Warrior King
If I worried about racial abuse every time I went out to bars and clubs I'd just be a recluse. For the record I have never experienced any racial abuse in any bars or clubs.

i don't think race has anything to do with it mate....if you will be prejudiced against cos of your sexuality they wont pick on your skin colour.
i don't think race has anything to do with it mate....if you will be prejudiced against cos of your sexuality they wont pick on your skin colour.

No I was talking about racial discrimination still being prevalent in modern society despite the fact we have taken major steps towards erradicating that from society.

Why would I be picked on for my sexuality anyway? I'm heterosexual and no offence, but I can't ever recollect any incidence of heterosexuality discrimination.

Read my post properly next time.
Reply 18

I am a girl (17) and I have liked other girls for about 2 years now. I also like boys, which perhaps makes me bi? It frustrates me sometimes because of how society looks at things like this. Neither my parents nor my friends know. I don't know whether I should tell them, Is it a phase and it'll pass? I've only had one relationship with a girl and the rest have been with boys. Thanks for the advice in advance.

You will have to face this reality. Do not hide it.