The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Is it tickly? Could be the early stages of something but hard to say from that description. Try drinking plenty of water, and possibly gargling with it.
Reply 2
Mine went like that once but I had a really bad throat infection, it hurt loads and I couldn't eat or speak for days.
Might be the start of something like that?
Reply 3
My throat went really sore, but only when i swallowed, about a two weeks ago. It felt like something was in my throat. It got so bad that it was agony when i swallowed etc.
I didnt actually look down my throat untill i'd had it for about 2 days, and it was horrible =P
Doctor said it was the worst case of tonsillitus she's ever seen.

But anyway, yeah, keep an eye on it, if they look like they have like "pustules" (not the right word, but i cant think of it =P just like covered in pus filled things, basically) or look discoloured get to the Doctors,
They can cure it in about three days,
I put it off for about 4 days (first started really hurting tuesday, didnt go to the doctors till friday, it was pretty much gone on monday)

Just my little story =P