The Student Room Group

Swollen ankles - red/itching

Ok this started about a week ago. Basically, when i get on the treadmill my trainers sometimes dig into the back of my ankle, causing a blister. So i tend to put a plaster for protection over my ankle so that i can't feel the digging of the shoes. I ran out of plasters with the white cushioning and instead had some of those red plasters that dont have a cushioning, that u tend to find in first aid kits. I put those on when i got on the treadmill at night, and i kept them on all night because i thought i'm going to have a run in the morning too. When i took the plasters off they were stuck hard onto the skin and it was quite painful taking the plasters off. For the first 4/5 days the back of my ankles were really itchy and red and there was a slight rise of skin exactly in the area where hte plasters were (this is on both ankles). Now its been a week, my ankles have swollen up a lot and look like i've sprained both of them (which i don't think i have because they aren't painful when i walk or anything... but i'm just describing what the swelling looks like). The area that was red has now spread a bit and is now a purple/blue colour. the skin is very dry and stiff (hence some pain when i move my feet in a way which scrunches up the back of the ankle skin). It is incredibly itchy, and i have to itch it for a quite a while once i get started... it is really really hard not to. My GP is fully booked all this week, so i was just wondering if this looks like an emergency to any one or not, and whether they have had any similar experiences. Thanks . Oh and i don't know if its related, but now i also have a really swollen up painful throat and a fever, just incase u need to know.
a calfankle?
sounds nasty. leave the running off for a bit i guess. maybe you've been training too hard? can you not book a nurse apointment, because you do not need a proper doctor for this i dont think. I do not think it is a big deal. If you leaving running for a while, it should recover, but see a nurse or a doctor anyway. try not to scratch it, as scratching makes it worse than it looks and in fact make the problem worse. there are better things than plasters dealing with blister. theres this fake skin thing you can buy (or something like that) you stick on your ankle
Reply 3
I have similar problem due to allergic reaction caused by pain patches I have to wear, and have to take strong anti histamine prescribed by my GP. If your GP can't see you and your throat is also swollen you need to ring NHS Direct or call into local A& E just in case. Best wishes hope your feeling better soon.
Reply 4
Lol! Just saw the date! You must be well by now, well i hope so as I am struggleing so if you have any other info on reason for swelling and itching please let me know ! thanks!