The Student Room Group

Forearm Pains

Hey all,

I have had mild aching pains half way down my left forearm for a couple of months now. The exact area is hard to explain, its on the side of my little finger, about a centimetre away from the central tendons(?).

The pain is sporadic and isn't excruciating, but enough to make me jump every so often, and certainly an annoyance.

Does anyone know what could cause this, and is there an easy cure?

Many thanks

Reply 1
See if this is of any use.
Reply 2
Ive had tendonitis in the past and it was bloody painful!! :mad:

If you go to your GP they will be able to advise you. When I went they diagnosed tendonitis and gave me some exercises to help, and since then its been better.

Obviously Im not saying thats what you have, as obviously your GP will be able to tell you the correct diagnosis
Hey all,

I have had mild aching pains half way down my left forearm for a couple of months now. The exact area is hard to explain, its on the side of my little finger, about a centimetre away from the central tendons(?).

The pain is sporadic and isn't excruciating, but enough to make me jump every so often, and certainly an annoyance.

Does anyone know what could cause this, and is there an easy cure?

Many thanks


to much *******, try using your right.