The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Are there any other teachers you could talk to about this? I agree about the perfectionist behaviour - I've seen this pattern a few times in eating disorders. I think it's important to let other authority figures know about any concerns about the welfare of students, and hopefully they'll have a system for dealing with it.
Reply 2
Well, you have a very difficult situation at the momment! I think perhaps if you speak to her parents about it. Maybe they cane keep an eye on her. Also I think perhaps you should try and reassure her about the essays and if she still doesnt think she dont know how to improve the why dont you sit down and set a essay question and then do it with her. personally, ive found that reassuring. let me know if this helped. :rolleyes:
Reply 3
Things really are bad! ummm...I think maybe if you keep contact with her via email or whatever. in doing so you can moniter her s;lightly and she can use you as a contact over the net to reassure herself. Perhaps if you got her to email youa few plans for essays when shes gone to france and then if you gave somme feed back, im sure she ll improve,,, its only natural. hope this helps:smile:
Reply 4
well, did you succeed in the end?