The Student Room Group


I know there have been a few threads on this, but basicaly i'v had haemoroids for aboslutely ages now. i think there internal becuase they dont stick out...only after or during i go to the toilet. theres no blood or pain. but they wont go away...its nearly been a year now. i tried using sepositries medication but that didnt really work. i dont have constipation and my diet is completely fine. i am a healthy sporty guy. why arent they going? has anyone else got this problem?
Reply 1
Stop playing with your food.
Reply 2
I know there have been a few threads on this, but basicaly i'v had haemoroids for aboslutely ages now. i think there internal becuase they dont stick out...only after or during i go to the toilet. theres no blood or pain. but they wont go away...its nearly been a year now. i tried using sepositries medication but that didnt really work. i dont have constipation and my diet is completely fine. i am a healthy sporty guy. why arent they going? has anyone else got this problem?

Remove them with surgery.
Go to the Doctors, seriously, go. Now. Go.