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The hairy legs thing is normal, men are supposed to have hairy legs. People would probably think you were weird if they weren't hairy. Socks look terrible with shorts, but it's all down to preference.
The hairy legs thing is normal, men are supposed to have hairy legs. People would probably think you were weird if they weren't hairy. Socks look terrible with shorts, but it's all down to preference.

lol I totally agree!
You're a guy...different story if you were female.
Reply 3
Socks look terrible with shorts, but it's all down to preference.

Do they really! i'm really embarrassed now! I've done this sooo many times without ever thinking anything of it, lol! I think i'll avoid it from now on ....only one problem - the insides of the shoes get sticky if you don't wear socks....are short socks acceptable?
Reply 4
The hairy legs thing is normal, men are supposed to have hairy legs. People would probably think you were weird if they weren't hairy. Socks look terrible with shorts, but it's all down to preference.

Again what she said.
Do they really! i'm really embarrassed now! I've done this sooo many times without ever thinking anything of it, lol! I think i'll avoid it from now on ....only one problem - the insides of the shoes get sticky if you don't wear socks....are short socks acceptable?

Reply 6
Let's hope you're not wearing socks and sandals because that altogether is another level of crime... Lol :smile:

You could always wear trainer socks, so long as they matched the colour of your shoes! (I.e. dark for dark shoes) but definitely not long socks... Leg hair is fine though, it's natural for men to have hairy legs! x
Reply 7
Let's hope you're not wearing socks and sandals because that altogether is another level of crime... Lol :smile:

You could always wear trainer socks, so long as they matched the colour of your shoes! (I.e. dark for dark shoes) but definitely not long socks... Leg hair is fine though, it's natural for men to have hairy legs! x

You wouldn't believe how many guys do that at my uni. :eek:
I really hate socks and sandals but actually it's something that's supposedly been very in vogue for a while now . . . especially really thick wooly socks and sandals. I don't really get it - I think it looks rubbish. As that old geezer, Yves Saint Laurent, once said: 'Fashion fades, style is eternal.'
Reply 9
Id be a bit worried if the guy was wearing shorts and didnt have hair legs! Definatly kick the habit of wearing full on socks with them, I can't stand this! Trainer socks yes, always but not big ones! Nope never! And even if it is in vogue....the answer is still no!
Reply 10
I think all men should show of their hairy legs more often :biggrin:
Reply 11
My dad wears long socks and trainers(when im not with him:smile:)
Reply 12
wear trainer socks if you're wearing trainers with the shorts.i would definitely NOT recommend wearing any other sort of shoes with shorts. long socks with shorts are only ever acceptable if you're a tennis player. fact!!
Shorts and hairy legs go together quite well methinks :smile:
Reply 14
Let's hope you're not wearing socks and sandals because that altogether is another level of crime... Lol :smile:

You could always wear trainer socks, so long as they matched the colour of your shoes! (I.e. dark for dark shoes) but definitely not long socks... Leg hair is fine though, it's natural for men to have hairy legs! x

oh dear lord, i am so ignorant:redface: - i've done this on numerous occasions without thinking much of it - whats the big deal with socks and sandals? And whats up with the colour code! gah - girls are too fussy - think i'll just carry on doing what i'm doing
Reply 15
wear trainer socks if you're wearing trainers with the shorts.i would definitely NOT recommend wearing any other sort of shoes with shorts. long socks with shorts are only ever acceptable if you're a tennis player. fact!!

oh good! So if ever one questions my fashion sense i'll reply "i'm a tennis player so its perfectly acceptable - it's tennis fashion" - nice idea joderz:smile:
accetable for male not for female
and please dont wear long socks lol
personally i hate wearing shoes widout socks so on occasions were i cant wear socks if they open or woteva i wear pop socks (r they called that?) but i dont think its accpetable for a male to do that lol. else shoes smell! even if u wash ur feet twice a day lol
Reply 17
females can do it too ;dry;
Reply 18
yea for men its fine its normal for them to hav hairy legs trusts me its werid seenin a man with semi shaved legs
yeah hairy legs look fine with shorts, we can't help it!

as for socks, you can wear normal length ones but fold them over so they are the same sort of shape as ankle socks because it does look stupid when you have socks halfway up your leg when wearing shorts, or have this silly looking bit where you have them rolled down.

my suggestion would be to wear ankle socks wherever possible