The Student Room Group
Reply 1
er are you on about getting back together after uni? :s-smilie:
my opinion probably not, if you part and see other people you could prefere the other people.
Reply 2
I doubt it'll work. You'll almost definitely drift apart if you're free to see other people. Especially over a period that long. And I'm sure one of you is bound to get jealous.
Reply 3
I don't think it'll work. You'll drift apart and may not end up back together. Also if you've been with him 2 years you think either of you could handle being emotionally close whilst seeing other people? I know i couldn't.
From experience breaks over uni never work.
Reply 5
I don't think it'll work - 4 years is pretty long y'know, plus you might happen to become attached to somebody else while you're away...
Reply 6
I can't see it working - if you don't love the boyfriend enough to stay with him while you're away from him it's not worth staying with him at all in my opinion. It's like saying that you love him when it's convenient.
Reply 7
I also can't see this working. You might find someone else that you connect with better, it's dangerous if you can hook up with other people. Would you not be jealous of him getting with other girls?
How can you emotionally stay with someone and yet sleep with other people? It's not actually possible, is it? :s-smilie: If I'm emotionally with someone I wouldn't be interested in anyone else.
I'm not sure tbh.

It probably depends on your mindsets.

You say you've been with him 4 years and love him very much. To me, that suggests not. But if you can control your jealousy, not ask questions and you are both 100% sure it's what you want (while being with each other, technically) I suppose it could work.

Dubious though.
In my honest opinion, i can't see it working, if you can hack it go for the long distance relationship, if not make a clean break of it, i really don't think the half and half thing will work at all. There is always the chance you will find someone at uni who you prefer. Just the thought of your boyfriend going with another is gonna hurt like hell cos you know he's your boyfriend but you also know he's gonna be sleeping with someone else and despite the fact that you can sleep with someone else too, that thought going through and through your mind will pierce like a knife, trust me.
I doubt that's going to work out well. You don't want to miss out on fun at university, but it's going to be difficult seeing other people because you'll always be conscious of each other in the back of your minds and that will likely stop you having as much fun as you could if you were truly single. After being (I presume) faithful to each other over the last two years, the combined effect of living apart for long periods of time and starting an open relationship is going to be difficult to cope with.

I'm not one to claim that what you want to do is impossible, but I imagine it could be a big struggle to deal with. If you genuinely want to go out and have fun with other people at university, it will be much easier if you don't try and hang on to your previous relationship at the same time.
Reply 12
ha, 'uni lifestyle'..

yeah, you either want to be with him or you don't. simple really.