There's a man(aged about 50) at work who I think is starting too get a bit too friendly with me(I'm 19). He phones me a few times a day at work just to talk to me(conversations last for 10-15 mins not work related call), he always goes on about how much he enjoys talking to me and has said a few times how well we get on. I try getting rid of him by putting him through to someones voicemail, but he keeps phoning back saying I only did it because I wanted to speak to him again!!) He gave me his mobile number, and has told me to phone him in the evenings, I haven't done that, nor have I given him my number, although he has asked a few times, I just make some excuse up that I cannot remember it. He always goes on about how he was waiting for my phonecall the evening before. The other week at work he asked me whether I wanted to go out for coffee during the weekend, I refused. He has said that he'll take me out to a restaurant for a meal one day(no he won't, I'll refuse that!) I don't know, I just find it really weird, I've spoken to some colleagues about it who said that he has been know for going for younger girls, I was told he'd been given warning about it before. I am not overly happy about the fact he keeps phoning me, I have started to sort of drop hints that I can't talk to him, e.g. I'm too busy, or someone is waiting to talk to me, but he hasn't got the hint so far. I hate answering the phone, because I know it might be him. Anyone got any advice on how to sort of get him to back off, I'm not interested in him, but I don't want to be rude as I don't wan to be in a arkward situation as I have to work with him. I just find the wholw situation really weird, and not liking it really to be you thin I'm over reacting? Thanks.