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Old man at work being really friendly-weird!!

There's a man(aged about 50) at work who I think is starting too get a bit too friendly with me(I'm 19). He phones me a few times a day at work just to talk to me(conversations last for 10-15 mins not work related call), he always goes on about how much he enjoys talking to me and has said a few times how well we get on. I try getting rid of him by putting him through to someones voicemail, but he keeps phoning back saying I only did it because I wanted to speak to him again!!) He gave me his mobile number, and has told me to phone him in the evenings, I haven't done that, nor have I given him my number, although he has asked a few times, I just make some excuse up that I cannot remember it. He always goes on about how he was waiting for my phonecall the evening before. The other week at work he asked me whether I wanted to go out for coffee during the weekend, I refused. He has said that he'll take me out to a restaurant for a meal one day(no he won't, I'll refuse that!) I don't know, I just find it really weird, I've spoken to some colleagues about it who said that he has been know for going for younger girls, I was told he'd been given warning about it before. I am not overly happy about the fact he keeps phoning me, I have started to sort of drop hints that I can't talk to him, e.g. I'm too busy, or someone is waiting to talk to me, but he hasn't got the hint so far. I hate answering the phone, because I know it might be him. Anyone got any advice on how to sort of get him to back off, I'm not interested in him, but I don't want to be rude as I don't wan to be in a arkward situation as I have to work with him. I just find the wholw situation really weird, and not liking it really to be you thin I'm over reacting? Thanks.

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Can you talk to somebody more senior at work? Or is he the manager?
Reply 2
Have you tried reporting him to your boss? How did the other girls handle him? You could try telling him you don't date colleagues to spare his feelings when he asks you out again. Or you could (tactfully) say you prefer to date men closer to your own age or just that you're not interested. I'm not sure how awkward that would make things at work. How do you think he might react? Or have you said something to that effect before?
Can you talk to somebody more senior at work? Or is he the manager?

Yeah that would be my advice. Or you could just tell him straight out that you arent interested. He should respect that.

Or you could just lie and say you already have a boyfriend. that might make him back away.
You need to get a boyfriend. Or a 'boyfriend'. Just mention him casually in conversation and chances are that's all that'll be required. I do feel for you though, it's horrible whe work colleagues get creepy like that :frown:
Reply 5
Tell him he's older than your dad (even if he isn't). Ugh. When I was 17 an old guy tried to kiss and grope me, it made me feel sick.

Come to think of it, you could pretend you don't get that he's interested and tell him he reminds you of your dad and you think that's why you get along so well :biggrin:
Reply 6
You need to get a boyfriend. Or a 'boyfriend'. Just mention him casually in conversation and chances are that's all that'll be required. I do feel for you though, it's horrible whe work colleagues get creepy like that :frown:

i definately agree with that. personally though, if you're not comfortable with what his antics, then its a good idea to let him know to back off because he probably just likes the attention of a younger girl - whether good or bad :rolleyes:
i definitely agree with that. personally though, if you're not comfortable with what his antics, then its a good idea to let him know to back off because he probably just likes the attention of a younger girl - whether good or bad :rolleyes:

i think it's every old man's fantasy - to have the attention of a younger girl
Reply 8
We had a bloke like this at our work that all the girls really hated - he made ridiculously sexual jokes and was quite perverted. They complained about him and that (along with the fact he was crap at his job) got him fired within 10 days of starting!
I would make your excuses and back away, this guy sounds very creepy.
Reply 10
Rock Fan
I would make your excuses and back away, this guy sounds very creepy.

ditto to that!

i would go with the idea of a boyfriend or "boyfriend" or even if he still doesnt stop..i suggest telling him to the face. Not in the rude way but just "im sorry but im really bussy these past few weeks and will continue to be i would appriciate being left alone"
^^^ or say your a lesbian
Dont be stuck in the office alone with him or go with him to any lonely places.
He sounds like a pervert. Report him to your supervisor.
Reply 13
tell ur dad or brother to tell him to back off.
Maybe he's just a lonely soul :s-smilie:
You're not over reacting at all! He's a bloody fruit loop, be straight with him, bloody creep!
Reply 16
Sounds very weird, but it also sounds like he'll probably switch his attentions to the next young girl who arrives.
Reply 17
You need to talk to your manager about it. Make him/her aware of what is going on, and how annoying it is.

If he has been wanred about it before, then HR will know about it. This is a good thing.

Then, invent boyfriend and every time he calls you say "I'm sorry, I have lots to do today - don't you? Bye" and say the same thing every time he calls. Hang up on him if it gets worse and then tell your boss again. Your boss may escalate it to HR and it's likely he will be warned again.
Tell your manager/supervisor. If he's been warned before, he can be warned/disciplined again!
Reply 19
If you go with the fake boyfriend approach, best make him a professional boxer or a cop. Just for added oomph.