The Student Room Group
Reply 1
russian mp3 sites host mp3s just like any other mp3 site. no i doubt it will get closed soon. if ur paying money for mp3s, then yes you are allowed to do that.
Reply 2
if ur paying money for mp3s, then yes you are allowed to do that.

Thats not always the case *allofmp3* :ninja:
Reply 3
i ignored that because it was already closed down...
Reply 4
With the Russian sites, the only people who get the money are Russians, not the artists. Ergo, it's pointless and you may as well just download illegally.

Plenty of torrents out there for free, but if you're uncomfortable with that, either by the CD or buy off itunes.
Reply 5
The artists do get some of the money, and hey i'd rather give money to russians than apple any day of the week :smile: . Also its better than illegal downloading because of the gauranteed transfer speeds etc etc etc.
Allofmp3 was my favourite, about $200 total spent on there.
I think the Russian sites are legal for Russian residents not anyone else. I think America used allofmp3 at one point to block Russia from joining the WTO.
Reply 7
Allofmp3 have set up another site now but I can't remember the URL of it.
Reply 8
The owner of Allofmp3 set up:
Reply 9

Both worth reading before making a decision. Couldn't think of anything worse than paying to break copyright laws unknowingly...
Reply 10
I can't see the point of these russian mp3 websites, basically saying the same as syncmaster really but torrent sites pretty much guarantee 100kb/s+ download speeds, which tbh is more than anyone needs, and they're tagged properly unlike allofmp3 etc...

Also the artists get nothing and as you have bought the music illegally it's as illegal as torrents anyway (ok you don't have to upload, but that's a technicality really - no one gets prosecuted for downloading music in the uk unless you have a shared folder containing thousand of mp3s).

So you're paying for the music, but it's still illegal - sounds like an idiots choice to me...
Reply 11
I can't see the point of these russian mp3 websites, basically saying the same as syncmaster really but torrent sites pretty much guarantee 100kb/s+ download speeds, which tbh is more than anyone needs, and they're tagged properly unlike allofmp3 etc...

Actually the tagging is one of the best reasons for using allofmp3 etc, they are tagged properly, much better than torrent sites do. Everything about it is much better than Itunes.
Reply 12
The artists do get some of the money

They don't, seeing as the owners of that site don't have any kind of deal or contract with any of the major record labels.

I don't really understand why people still use such a dodgy website to download music from. This is a website which has already been closed down once by the Russian government, has had a 1.65 trillion dollar lawsuit filed against it in America, and has been abandoned by both Visa and Mastercard due to legal questions.

Basically, you may as well just download the music for free instead of paying the owners of this website, because both methods are just as illegal as each other.
Reply 13
they are tagged properly, much better than torrent sites do.

You're using the wrong torrent sites.
Reply 14
one benefit is that u can dl at much higher bitrate from the ruskies than u can from itunes. also wasnt there news recently about an artist who didnt give permission for itunes to sell their music on their site?
Reply 15
The owner of Allofmp3 set up:

Yeah that's the one. I wonder how long it'll be before that one gets shut down too lol.
Reply 16
You're using the wrong torrent sites.


Most songs will come with album art and full id3v2 tagging. (:rolleyes: so a friend told me.)