The Student Room Group

Ganja A Problem???

Sup People I Just Have a Question to Current/Previous Oxford Students..........

I Currently am Situated in London Where To Be Honest Getting a Hold of Green (i.e. Weed/Cannabis) Is Not Really a Issue :biggrin: .....

Now I Don't Wanna Come Across As Some Drug Dealer or Major Crack Head LOL....

My Question as a Perspective Student (i hope lol) is that is it Fairly Easy To Get A Hold of Cannabis/Weed @ Oxford Uni???? (or just impossible) - Please bear in mind i'm not enquiring if kilo's of the stuff are available lol or intend to go to lectures high etc :biggrin: - I'm Just On About Going Out/Weekends etc

and if it is, Is Smoking/Drugs Rare or a Common Thing??? (i.e. generally are the majority of the students uptight and rat you in for example or are they ok???)

+ Obviously Oxford Don't Exactly Encourage The Smoking etc, But How Difficult Is It To Light Up/Get Caught??? (if you be careful eg. in your room etc)

- For Those Who Wish Turn This Thread Into a Drug Use Debate Thread - PLease Don't......

Please No One Write Up That 'Drugs Are Wrong' or 'You Shouldn't Come Oxford If Your Into That Type of Stuff' etc etc.......

Please Save It As (a) I'm a Person Who Likes to Have Fun (and this is one way in which i do) and (b) I Don't Care

For Those That Help Thankx :smile:

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Reply 1
Please stop writing in capitals - quite apart from the fact it's doing my head in it must take you a fair bit of effort. There are plenty of people who smoke up, and if you know where you're looking i'm sure it's fairly easy to get your hands on. As for smoking in your room, exactly how much of an idiot are you? Your scout will have a sense of smell... If you want to get high to go out then uh go out and smoke it.
Please stop writing in capitals - quite apart from the fact it's doing my head in it must take you a fair bit of effort. There are plenty of people who smoke up, and if you know where you're looking i'm sure it's fairly easy to get your hands on. As for smoking in your room, exactly how much of an idiot are you? Your scout will have a sense of smell... If you want to get high to go out then uh go out and smoke it.

Will that be obvious If I do??? :rolleyes:

Obviosuly I don't plan to ****ing light up nn the midst of the room, I mean near a window (if that is possible) etc etc
Reply 3
Uh in my experience... yes. You walk into a room where a bunch of people have been smoking up and yes it's obvious. If you're going to smoke on your own out a window then why not go outside in the first place.
Uh in my experience... yes. You walk into a room where a bunch of people have been smoking up and yes it's obvious. If you're going to smoke on your own out a window then why not go outside in the first place.

LOL Allow Discussing This As It Depends on Rooms etc, but Thankx For The Advice.....:smile:

Btw Does Oxford Have Any Issues With Shiesha or Not (as that involves no drugs etc and very little tobacco)???
Reply 5
The Capitals Are Also Doing My Head In! :p: (Please stop!)
The Capitals Are Also Doing My Head In! :p: (Please stop!)

sorry i will i've just got into a habbit lol :biggrin:
Reply 7
LOL Allow Discussing This As It Depends on Rooms etc, but Thankx For The Advice.....:smile:

Btw Does Oxford Have Any Issues With Shiesha or Not (as that involves no drugs etc and very little tobacco)???

No, most balls hire it and Escape has Shisha pipes etc
Reply 8
Please stop writing in capitals - quite apart from the fact it's doing my head in it must take you a fair bit of effort. There are plenty of people who smoke up, and if you know where you're looking i'm sure it's fairly easy to get your hands on. As for smoking in your room, exactly how much of an idiot are you? Your scout will have a sense of smell... If you want to get high to go out then uh go out and smoke it.

Rhetorical question? Personally, I think it was self-evident from the moment he began posting in 'all-caps'.
I have definitely been in Oxford halls where the entire lounge was full of weed smoke - that one down Iffley Road towards the sporting facilities. Bekaboo must not get invited to those parties.
Just wait for all the people to come in and say "Anyone who takes drugs is a loser, they will fail all of their modules. How did you even get in? You are a loser, you should study all the time."

Stay away from cocaine, crack, and that kind of stuff. Otherwise enjoy yourself in a responsible way and you will have a fun university experience.
i thought at oxford more people take crack/cocaine - cos they can afford (blanket statement i know) . . or most can afford it
shady lane
Just wait for all the people to come in and say "Anyone who takes drugs is a loser, they will fail all of their modules. How did you even get in? You are a loser, you should study all the time."

Stay away from cocaine, crack, and that kind of stuff. Otherwise enjoy yourself in a responsible way and you will have a fun university experience.

LOL yeah can't wait to hear the lectures that arise from all those people up on thier high horses lol :p:

Honestly mate i have 1 rule about drugs and that is only to stick to weed.....

no matter what people say it doesn't make you a addict in most cases if enjoyed responsibly, apart from weed the only other drug that i've done is mushrooms on prom night which was jokes lol :biggrin:
i thought at oxford more people take crack/cocaine - cos they can afford (blanket statement i know) . . or most can afford it

I'd imagine that there's a good amount of coke at Oxford. There has been at the other universities I've studied at, which have a similar demographic - wealthier than average overachievers. It's bad news - never touched the stuff.
Reply 14
plenty of people smoke weed in oxford- certainly not the majority, but most people aren't gonna have a problem with it so long as you're sensible and not making a nuisance of yourself. From what i've seen, oxford isn't the easiest place to score, but you shouldn't have too many problems getting hold of some.
Reply 15
We've had threads like this before. Search for them.

And do you intend to write your personal statement with capitals on every word? :rolleyes:
Reply 16
shady lane
I have definitely been in Oxford halls where the entire lounge was full of weed smoke - that one down Iffley Road towards the sporting facilities. Bekaboo must not get invited to those parties.

*shrugs* Bekaboo watched her boyfriend degenerate into full-blown psychosis so she tends to avoid it. But, maybe as a result of that, I am damn good at smelling the stuff so maybe it's more noticeable for me but I don't think it's possible to have a big smoke up and not have your scout notice.
Reply 17
I don't think it's wise to smoke weed in college. Merton once rusticated two first years for smoking in a college room. If you are going to do it, at least do it well away from any smoke detectors because I know people who've been rumbled that way.
Reply 18
Well, it's clearly against the rules, so if found, it's not unheard of to get rusticated (suspended for a term or more) or even sent down (expelled) for it. It's relatively uncommon for a first offence to be that serious, but it's important to be careful. Smoking in your room will mean your scout will know, and many will report you to college for it (as they're asked to). As Boo says, going outside is a lot safer.

As for getting hold of it, it's perfectly possible. I was offered it a few times while I was there. However it's (according to some friends who come from areas easier to get it) quite expensive and not particularly good quality. Oxford is an expensive city for everything, it seems.

LOL yeah can't wait to hear the lectures that arise from all those people up on thier high horses lol :p:

Nobody has mentioned anything, despite people have personal negative experiences with it. I love how people always assume everyone's going to get at them about something and then no-one does.

shady lane
I have definitely been in Oxford halls where the entire lounge was full of weed smoke - that one down Iffley Road towards the sporting facilities. Bekaboo must not get invited to those parties.

A hall down Iffley Road towards the sports track? Is that Liddell, the ChCh and Corpus accommodation block? Perhaps true, though it's definitely not advisable to smoke in your room, as it's the only way (I'm aware of) people have ever got caught. Scouts can smell it, and will report it. It isn't normal for a room to smell of cannibis in Oxford, despite the occasional one you may have been into.

i thought at oxford more people take crack/cocaine - cos they can afford (blanket statement i know) . . or most can afford it

Quite a few people do, though coke, not crack. But still a relatively small minority. Cannibis is much more widespread.
Reply 19
Popa Dom
As for other students, noone will care. Though I'd advise doing it away from people
While it may be such at some colleges, this isn't necessarily the norm. Many students don't like it, and smoking in front of people is a lot ruder than if it were just tobacco. Other students won't care if you don't do it in front of them, but lighting up inside at a party is generally not nice.