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I recently semi-broke-up with my boyfriend of nearly 2 years (excluding a 4 month period Nov 06 - Feb 07). By semi-broke-up I mean we are still friends, still hug and kiss but we're supposed to be single. Its very confusing and I can't remember how I got into the situation in the first place.

The problem is... before this happened I liked him, I liked his company and all that, he was great to be with and the sex wasn't bad. Now, I can't help thinking about him all the time. I want him to the point of distraction and can only think of him in a sexual light.

Anyone care to shed light on this? Anyone had similar experiences. I know I'm going to have to ride it out, I'm going to the US in 24 days, but bloody hell its hard!
Reply 1
It sounds like you are effectively still together, so you might as well make it official again.
Reply 2
I recently semi-broke-up with my boyfriend of nearly 2 years (excluding a 4 month period Nov 06 - Feb 07). By semi-broke-up I mean we are still friends, still hug and kiss but we're supposed to be single. Its very confusing and I can't remember how I got into the situation in the first place.

The problem is... before this happened I liked him, I liked his company and all that, he was great to be with and the sex wasn't bad. Now, I can't help thinking about him all the time. I want him to the point of distraction and can only think of him in a sexual light.

Anyone care to shed light on this? Anyone had similar experiences. I know I'm going to have to ride it out, I'm going to the US in 24 days, but bloody hell its hard!

I know EXACTLY what thats like- not to go into a huge rant about my experiences (and now I will!)- I've been seeing a guy on and off for two years now- and everytime I break up with him, I regret it, and I want him SO badly (it doesn't help that the sex is ****ing great!) and I go out of my way to flirt with him and make him want me when I see him around campus, clubs etc... when I broke up with him. It's like, when I'm with him, I get bored very quickly, and when I'm not with him, I HAVE to have him..

I think its a case of the grass is always greener and loving the chase. Think about it- doesn't the sex seem so much better when you think about it in hindsight; when you're alone and horny... you build things up in your mind

Sorry I can't offer advice- but if you do get any, please let me know!
Think you both need to talk and find out where exactly you both stand with each other.