The Student Room Group

Pins and needles in feet

About a month ago I wore some really high heeled shoes, and had them on for about 7 hours, and when i took them off I had pins and needles. I thought it would just disappear but it's been pretty much permanent since then!
Anyone had this before? Or any ideas what it might me, and what I should do about it?
Are you sure there've only been present since that day? was it the first and only time you've worn them shoes?
Reply 2
Indeed it was, and yes, they have only been present since that day.
Maybe the shoes were too tight and disrupted the circulation in your feet? If you're worried ring NHS direct or go see your GP :smile:
Am I the only person who loves pins and needles?
They have their uses, I suppose.
Reply 6
If you had these pins and needles you'd soon get sick of it, believe me. Intending to go see the GP sometime soon I guess.
Reply 7
Perhaps the odd angle of your feet could have trapped a nerve or pinched an artery so your feet don't get enough blood.

Since it's been happening for a month, I would definitely go to see the GP.