The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I think it will certainly be more pay as the hours are less socialable. You could try looking at the job description - if there is one, but you have probably done that already. Depending on where you saw the advert e.g. through an agency, then you could try contacting them to find out more.

Sorry I can't be more helpful

Good luck
Reply 2
Do Tesco get customers at night?
^ lol i know tescos get customers at night once i went in there at like 1.00 am and there was many a queue (altho it was nearing xmas...)
Reply 4
No I won't be dealing with customers at night at my local supermarkets as they're not open at night so will just be restocking shelves etc fun! There are quite a few 24 hour ones though so it would depend on where you lived as to whether you serve customers as well. Tesco just have posters up saying they're recruiting night workers, but don't have any rates of pay on, so I think it could be a bit rude to ask.
Reply 5
Okay this is about Tesco.

Depending on the type of tesco store you are in will depend if there are customers through the night, Metro stores are closed after 11pm, most extra's and Superstores are open 24 hours monday - saturday being closed on a saturday night and Sunday night.
To work night shift in tesco you must be over 18. Therefore the following rates of pay will apply to you ,
As a new starter over 18 you will get £5.95 an hour for your first year.
As a night shifr worker you will get your premiums on top of this which are approx £1.30 an hour between 10pm and midnight and £1.80 between midnight - 6am.
Breaks are unpaid and therefore your shift will be 7.5 hours long earning you approx £55 a night.
Morrisons wage is about £5.40 (I know shocking), night premium is time +1/5th (I think) so its an added £1.08 an hour, so £6.50 ish. Im guessing from the post above no matter where you work youll be on about £6-7.50ph for night work.
Okay this is about Tesco.

Depending on the type of tesco store you are in will depend if there are customers through the night, Metro stores are closed after 11pm, most extra's and Superstores are open 24 hours monday - saturday being closed on a saturday night and Sunday night.
To work night shift in tesco you must be over 18. Therefore the following rates of pay will apply to you ,
As a new starter over 18 you will get £5.95 an hour for your first year.
As a night shifr worker you will get your premiums on top of this which are approx £1.30 an hour between 10pm and midnight and £1.80 between midnight - 6am.
Breaks are unpaid and therefore your shift will be 7.5 hours long earning you approx £55 a night.

Just to point out that the opening hours really only apply to Tesco Extra and Superstores in England. In Scotland we don’t have the same laws restricting trading hours and therefore most of our Extra and superstore formats are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week (however some of the superstores do close for a few hours on a Sunday into Monday, but it's rare). The rates of pay do not alter though.
Reply 8
Just to point out that the opening hours really only apply to Tesco Extra and Superstores in England. In Scotland we don’t have the same laws restricting trading hours and therefore most of our Extra and superstore formats are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Good point, i forgot to mention that it was like that when i was working up there. Scotland has some really nice stores.