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Reply 1
i do it sometimes, it's always worked

however, it is annoying when genuine rudeness is mistaken for this 'treat em mean keep em keen' thing
Doesn't really work all that well with me. once in a while is ok, but any more than that and i just move on.
Reply 3
Something nasty the one time I tried it out. Doesnt work. Although a wee bit of 'nice nastiness (woah! big oxymoron)' if you know what I mean does occasionaly liven things up :biggrin:
Reply 4
No I have never done it and I am not aware of someone doing it to me. But that could be because if they would have tried to be mean with me they would be dropped that instant. I don't like rudeness at all, so being keen is out of question. I have too much self-respect and pride :p:. But yeah there were a couple of girls in my school who would drool over men that would treat them badly and I never found out till date what was so attractive about being treated like a ****.
Reply 5
Yep have done it and it backfired on me! They will soon give up and move on to someone who doesn't do this.
Reply 6
When its subtle it tends to work. But thats a bit more keeping them hanging.
Reply 7
It depends what you mean. If you mean 'don't text them every single day', it works, in so far as 'not coming across like a desperate clingy weirdo' always works.
Reply 8
If you mean every sense yes.

Being outright rude no.. some what 'nice', but not too 'nice'.
Reply 9
lol i always go for guys who do this to me. Love it, shows some balls, if you excuse the terminology!
When practiced in moderation, the concept works like a charm.
Reply 11
Ugh! Anyone who uses stupid principles like these obviously has no respect for their partner.
Ugh! Anyone who uses stupid principles like these obviously has no respect for their partner.

I think the idea is that you do it out of a relationship in order to attract somebody to you; playing hard to get, as it were.
Reply 13
I think the idea is that you do it out of a relationship in order to attract somebody to you; playing hard to get, as it were.

Ok then, forget "partner"... replace it with "person you are trying to attract". Same thing. :p:
Ok then, forget "partner"... replace it with "person you are trying to attract". Same thing. :p:

No way! Girls get approached by nice guys all the time, it gets extremely boring for them - It's natural for them to look for something different, something to keep them interested... guys who are a little bit arrogant who aren't prepared to chase them or really make the effort are the ones who are really quite good at this, simply because they don't view the girls they like as above or better than themselves, but because they view themselves as equals; the "nice guy" thing is a tried, tested and failed way of keeping girls interested.
Reply 15
I don't like it, but it works, to an extent. I've found when someone I like is actually really nice to me and pays me a lot of attention, I go off them a little bit, just for a while. It feels like they've lost some of their attractiveness because, if they're interested in me, they must not be as great as I thought they were, which I think is to do with your own self-esteem and self-image. When someone's being more difficult, I think it makes your feelings for them stronger - you always want what you can't have. But after a bit, it just gets annoying. If it goes on for too long, you just think, 'Stuff it, it's never gonna happen, I'm fed up of this' and try to move on, so it can backfire.

i also hate when genuine dislike, or even contempt, is misinterpreted as playing hard to get! It's like, no, I actually do hate you!
I don't like it, but it works, to an extent. I've found when someone I like is actually really nice to me and pays me a lot of attention, I go off them a little bit, just for a while. It feels like they've lost some of their attractiveness because, if they're interested in me, they must not be as great as I thought they were, which I think is to do with your own self-esteem and self-image. When someone's being more difficult, I think it makes your feelings for them stronger - you always want what you can't have.

Personally I think it's bull turd unless it is kinda friendly teasing but then I dunno. I mean define how mean are you treating them etc. I think just kinda playful bullying e.g. takin' light piss but making sure they know you are joking etc is alright, can be fairly endearing, but best to leave that till you've got a sturdy relationship, pletonic or romantic, before it seeing as I'm generally quite sensitive and overread things and would probably think someone was being genuine and I would get easily hurt and offended coz I'm a sappy sod ^^
I think it can work in small doses on the right person but you have to know who you're dealing with and not try it on "sappy sod"s. I think if someone's genuinely nice to you then you should return the favour
Reply 19

What does Q.E.D mean?! :confused: