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oral..embarrassing 16+

I was with my boyfriend, and we'd run out of condoms so oral was the only option.

There had been no signs of me starting my period so I thought it'd be wasn' started just as my boyfriend was giving me oral. It wasn't much at it never is right away..a tiny speck bit of blood..

My boyfriend, however, completely freaked. He was actually physically sick .. and I felt so bad :frown:

I can't help thinking he overacted a bit though..there was literally hardly any blood, and he stopped as soon as he suspected something.
Do guys really find this so horrendously disgusting? I mean..I'm quite happy to swallow when I give my boyfriend oral (despite not really liking it that much!) The fact he reacetd so badly was really embarrassing for me..I didn't really know how to act afterwards..

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Reply 1
people react in different ways. you need to try and talk to him. otherwise it will hang over the relationship. obviously he isnt used to that happening. so just reassure him. im not a fan of swallowing, but sometimes you give a little, take a little. hope that helps.
Reply 2

blood is not equal to come...
Reply 3
Sounds like he's being a bit of a prat to me. I wouldn't exactly like the concept, but I wouldn't react like that.
A bit of an over-reaction methinks, but I guess it was a bit of a surprise, and maybe he's a bit squeamish. Talk to him about it ;yes;
Reply 5
blood is not equal to come...

Well considering blood can be drawn from damn near anywhere on your body, and as such actually flows everywhere inside both sexes, and isn't swarming with wriggly little half-people, I'd have to agree with you there.

OP - I'd say he was over-reacting if he hadn't actually been sick. It sounds like his reaction was genuine and not meant to offend you.
I've never understood why men have such a problem with this. It's just a bit of uterus. We loved it when we were foetuses.

OP - I'd say he was over-reacting if he hadn't actually been sick. It sounds like his reaction was genuine and not meant to offend you.

Yeh, I doubt it was meant to offend, looks like he couldn't help it.
I've never understood why men have such a problem with this. It's just a bit of uterus. We loved it when we were foetuses.

Now when you put it like that, how could anyone resist :puke:
Reply 9
Speaking from a guys point of view, id be pretty freaked lol, but im not sure id chuck up.
Now when you put it like that, how could anyone resist :puke:

Well I just don't think there's any need to be squeamish :smile: Instead, we should all marvel at the magnificent wonder that is the reproductive system.
I have no personal experience in tasting that, fortunately.

Maybe the smell or the taste put him off.

Talk to him, or future sessions won't be pleasing.
Reply 12
It might have put him off for a while now. Emotional scarring :p:
Part of his reaction might be down to male social conditioning. After all, it's a subject area that men very rarely get to talk about so for many of us it's sort of shrouded in mystery.

It was less than 20 years ago that firms were not allowed to advertise "feminine hygiene products" on television. (Ben Elton said that must have made an interesting day in Parliament when they banned that one but I digress...)

It might be an idea to sit down and talk through the whole menstruation issue with him - not just the physical stuff but the emotional too. If he can understand that this is something that is perfectly normal that about half the population of the world go through at some stage of their lives it might "demystify" the whole thing.
seeing as he actually vomited i doubt it was meant to offend.

Just let him know when your about to have a period (if you can) so he has nothing to worry about in the future,

cant say id be too happy about it but doubt id throw up
The Anthropologist
I don't want to sound like a critique, but how can one person have so many problems? Or is it a separate individual posting all these issues? Excuse my curiosity.

Do you mean anonymous? They are separate people posting. You have the option when you make a post to go anonymous. See the guidelines at the top of the forum :smile:
Reply 16
I can see why he wouldn't like the idea. Have a laugh with him about it, forget about it for a while, and see how it goes at some point in the future when you aren't on your period
A lot of people cant even handle the sight of blood. Personally it wouldn't have phased me but then everyone is different.
Reply 18
If it happened to me obviously i wouldn't be happy...but i wouldn't act like he did. You were just unlucky, nothing to be ashamed of. I don't see why you can't tell him what you just told us.
Reply 19
I agree with the above posters, blood isn't the same as cum - so you can't really compare. And since he was actually sick, it seems like it was genuine, and not trying to over-react. I don't think he would've reacted in a way to make you feel uncomfortable if he could help it.