Ok, yeah im a gypsy but not the normal sort. I dont go out steeling or coning people. I was a prefect at school. Top in most of my classes, i want to be a maths teacher. I want to do good not bad like some people in my family.
The problem is i kept my family secret all of my life and some of my cousons have now blown it. They are all going around saying stuff like "im a gypsy who wants to fight " and stuff like that. Now, because they know that they are my cousons people now know my family history and i get things like "pikey" and Gypo" and "go back to your caravan" and "oi, did you nik my bike".
Ive kind of had enough though. Good thing is that people only found out towards my last days of school and im starting college in september but some people in college wil know and i dont want this to happen again.
I cant tell my parents or cousons or any family member because they will probably beat the **** out of them which would be worse.
My best friends knew but didnt say anything.
Also, im not like normal gypsies. I speak properly, i have a good education, i have been bought up with the best of everything and i live in a nice big house (no caravan... i dont even own one)
I have loads of friends who have stuck by me but they arnt going to the same college.
What do you think i should do. Do you think it will go away? Most of these people dont even know me and some of the people who did know me like people in my maths class or english class are now scared of me because of who my family are.