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Exams for bioscience- current Cardiff students please help!

I have applied to do Anatomy at Cardiff. I was just wondering if anyone knows when the exams are likely to be. It's possible I may want to resit a module or 2 of my AS/A levels and wondered if this would be feasible, as the A level exams are usually in January and June. I'm worried they might clash with uni exams, and since I would have to pay for my A level exams, I would rather know if there's a likely clash before I pay for them.

Reply 1
You have exams in both January and mid May- mid June for first year biosciences. You don't get the timetables until a couple of months beforehand though, so it would be hard to tell when they were. The timetables are not always the same from year to year.
The exam timetables from this year are up here:
If you have already got the grades to get into uni anyway, why would you want to resit your A levels?!
Reply 2
There are no details on the link - I already checked through the website before posting.

I am leaning towards applying for GEM, and some unis require A's at A level, regardless of what degree classification you get. I have done 2 subjects to AS only, and considering continuing to A2 before the specifications change in 2008. I also have a home study AS that I haven't done yet. I'm not intending on doing all this in one year while at uni, but I think I could cope with one at a time.

It's all relative at this point anyway, as I probably haven't even got the grades required to get into Cardiff anyway. I was just hoping it would be possible. I have a friend who did an A level while at uni and she coped fine. And luckily didn't have any exam clashes.
Reply 3
The exam timetables are still up for the Spring exams- look under BIOSI in the menu on the left.
January exam timetables have gone, but if I remember correctly they were pretty evenly spread out over the 3 weeks.
If you want to do 2 A2 levels and an AS, why don't you take a gap year and do it all at the same time? Good luck with your results anyway, hope it all turns out well :smile:
Reply 4
Because I am 34 and not getting any younger!!! Also have given in my notice with my employer, and I am a single parent with 3 kids and can't afford not to work if I am in FE rather than HE.

If I was 18/19/20 living with parents I wouldn't hesitate at waiting another year, but sadly I am old and past it. I have already spent the last 3 years working towards qualifications to get me into uni this year.

But thanks, I'll try the site again for the spring exams. I only looked at winter before.

EDIT: Just looked and last exams are 2nd June (I realise this may be different next year, but I imagine they wouldn't get too much later), so it looks like it could be feasible, as the exams I would like to sit for A-level are mainly late June.
Reply 5
Because I am 34 and not getting any younger!!! Also have given in my notice with my employer, and I am a single parent with 3 kids and can't afford not to work if I am in FE rather than HE.

If I was 18/19/20 living with parents I wouldn't hesitate at waiting another year, but sadly I am old and past it. I have already spent the last 3 years working towards qualifications to get me into uni this year.

But thanks, I'll try the site again for the spring exams. I only looked at winter before.

EDIT: Just looked and last exams are 2nd June (I realise this may be different next year, but I imagine they wouldn't get too much later), so it looks like it could be feasible, as the exams I would like to sit for A-level are mainly late June.

The exams will definitely be no later than 13 June as that is when term finishes. Obviously it depends on what modules you do, but mine last year also finished on the 2nd June, so the timetables must not change too much year to year. Maybe if you explain to your personal tutor at the beginning of the year what you are doing, then they can help you out a bit if there are any clashes?
I didn't realise you were a mature student, I should have checked your profile before commenting! I think it's great that you're going to uni despite your circumstances (and 34 if definitely not past it!!), I don't think most people would be brave enough to.
Good luck and let me know if I can help out with any more questions about biosci :smile:
Reply 6
Thanks. You've been very helpful, and also in the past when I've had questions.

Just hope I get the grades now (they want an A and a B which I thought was a bit rough considering my aged brain!), otherwise I might end up at UWIC (aarrgghh!!!!). One week til doomsday!

Actually, I can pretty much guarantee that I haven't got an A in either of my A2's, so will probably end up at Glamorgan. C'est la vie!