The Student Room Group

Earwig bite?

I think I have been bitten by an earwig. The bite has come up in a big red lump, about 2 inches in diameter, and is quite hard. I've put some cream on it for bites/stings, I'm not sure if it has made much difference though. I was just wondering if anyone else has been bitten by an earwig? And if so what is the best way to treat it, just like any other insect bite? I tried google, but it wasn't much help!
Thank you.
Reply 1
Is the skin broken? If it is, the bite is unlikely to be from an earwig (says Google). Google also says that the bites are not harmful.

However, if you are worried, I would phone NHS direct or look at their webpage on bites here.
Reply 2
Ahh you must have better google skills than I! The skin isn't broken, no. Thank you for your reply :smile:
Reply 3
I quote from the treatment page:

"The majority of insect bites cause itching and swelling which usually clears up within 1-2 days. Small, local reactions (reactions confined to the area of the bite) can be treated using a cold compress (such as placing a damp flannel over the affected area), and oral painkillers, such as paracetamol, or ibuprofen.
Anaesthetic, or steroid cream, such as crotamiton cream, can be used to soothe the pain of a bite. Antihistamine tablets can also help.
Do not apply cream, or ointment, to broken skin and always follow the instructions on the packet. Although the bite may be itchy, avoid scratching it because you may damage the skin, and allow bacteria to get in, leading to infection."
2 inches is quite large...
Just chuck on some antiseptic cream to do its magic.
Reply 5
Thank you again! From reading that it appears I have been doing all the right things, apart from the odd scratch here and there, oops!
Reply 6
2 inches is quite large...
Just chuck on some antiseptic cream to do its magic.

Yeah it is quite big! I was surprised myself. Antiseptic is on, just waiting for the magic!
it isnt an earwig bite. they normally come up as 2 ickle red lumps next to each other. probably something more like a mossie/midge or something like that.
Reply 8
I'm allergic to bug bites and find prition allergy tablets work a treat have you tried them?
Reply 9
When I was smaller, I used to cover my ears because I was terrified that they'd crawl in :redface:
Reply 10
i haven't seen/heard/thought of earwigs in at least 10 years, but today my mother found one on our washing on the line and now this post!

they're coming for meeeeeeeeeeee............:afraid:
Reply 11
Oh hannah i think it means you are going to die :wink:
Anyway dear talk to you on msn, you childlike creature
called earwigs, but you never see them near a ear?. normally under a stone or something.

strange innit.
Reply 13
Lol, my mum used to tell me that earwigs climb into your earhole at night and burst your ear drums; which i believed until i was about 12 :C
Reply 14
Lol, my mum used to tell me that earwigs climb into your earhole at night and burst your ear drums; which i believed until i was about 12 :C

Lol Mothers can be so kind to us sometimes..

I never liked earwigs, now I like them even less. The bites have now gone bright purple, but are a lot smaller, so I think they are finally clearing up =D Still itch a lot though =(.
Reply 15
This morning I was bitten or pinched by an earwig once on the right side of my back, then again on the left side of my back. I have actually been bitten by an earwig that crawled into my ear while I slept 15 years ago. I woke up feeling like there was a bee buzzing around my ear. The dr said to put opil in my ear to get it out, so we did n left it for 5 mins, the earwig ran around on my ear drum but didn't come out with the oil. So we tried oil again but we must have agitated it n it bit me but came out with the oil this time. I had to have ear drops for 3 weeks and had to keep cotton wool in my right ear so nothing got in there to agitate the swollen ear drum. I couldn't hear for over a month in that ear.
The dr had actually said he'd never heard of an earwig being in someone's ear before n found it rather amusing. But I have my mum, step dad, cousin, her husband and my 2 younger siblings that saw the earwig walk out of my ear.
Original post by sparkler
i haven't seen/heard/thought of earwigs in at least 10 years, but today my mother found one on our washing on the line and now this post!

they're coming for meeeeeeeeeeee............:afraid:

I just had a earwig nibble my hand it used its mandibles not its pincers. I think it was trying to bite some dry skin off. There mouth parts are tiny it tickled when it kept on trying to bite into my skin lol
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This is a really old thread, so I'm going to close it now - it would be best if you created a new thread if you have something you want to discuss :smile: