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Reply 1
neha p
ok, my little sis has just been diagnosed with could see them running around *shivers*

anyway, she used my hairbrush this morning and then i used it before i went to work this afternoon, do you guys think im in for a chance? how long is it before they grow? what do i look out for? i have always avoided the nits and have no idea how itchy my head should feel!

aaah, nits!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

:eek: ewww, on second thought, dont move near me!! :tongue:
Reply 2
neha p
ok, my little sis has just been diagnosed with could see them running around *shivers*

anyway, she used my hairbrush this morning and then i used it before i went to work this afternoon, do you guys think im in for a chance? how long is it before they grow? what do i look out for? i have always avoided the nits and have no idea how itchy my head should feel!

aaah, nits!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

If your head starts itching in a few days, buy some shampoo and kill the buggers! You will probably have them if you shared a hairbrush...
Reply 3
Fly By
:eek: ewww, on second thought, dont move near me!! :tongue:

oi!!! shut up wing!! im so gona find you in cherry hinton, just you wait!!
Reply 4
neha p
oi!!! shut up wing!! im so gona find you in cherry hinton, just you wait!!

but you wont :smile: :tongue: i'll hunt you down first!
They'll only stay there if your hair is in good condition, no worries, unless of course it's in good condition, then you should worry.
Reply 6
perfect way to make sure you haven't got them... shave off your hair:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: :tongue:
Reply 7
neha p
ok, my little sis has just been diagnosed with could see them running around *shivers*

anyway, she used my hairbrush this morning and then i used it before i went to work this afternoon, do you guys think im in for a chance? how long is it before they grow? what do i look out for? i have always avoided the nits and have no idea how itchy my head should feel!

aaah, nits!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Chances are, once you been diagnosed, there is no turning back. It a slow journey to death. Im predicting that one day you will dies.

Look out for Mickey he the lousiest head louse.
Reply 8
Mad Caddie
Chances are, once you been diagnosed, there is no turning back. It a slow journey to death. Im predicting that one day you will dies.

Look out for Mickey he the lousiest head louse.

what i love about ukl is the massive amount of positive feedback you get!!! :rolleyes:
An ex of mine worked in a primary school, and this was his advice:

If you don't mind chemicals, do the WHOLE family in the same evening with nit lotion/shampoo. Three days later, do them all again. Also, wash everyone's sheets and pillowcases on a hot wash, ditto hairbrushes in hot water.

Alternatively, if you do mind it, every day for two weeks, put a LOT of conditioner in your hair when you wash it then use a regular nit comb. Everyone'll need to do this at the same time, otherwise they get passed around from family member to family member. Also, some chemists do a good nit comb with an electric current running through it, so you use that on your hair to kill the lice. You'll need to do that every night for a week.

Hope that helps! Don't worry too much if you do get them - it's an occupational hazard of having a younger sibling.
Reply 10
neha p
what i love about ukl is the massive amount of positive feedback you get!!! :rolleyes:

You should come on here more often then shouldn't you?
Reply 11
An ex of mine worked in a primary school, and this was his advice:

If you don't mind chemicals, do the WHOLE family in the same evening with nit lotion/shampoo. Three days later, do them all again. Also, wash everyone's sheets and pillowcases on a hot wash, ditto hairbrushes in hot water.

Alternatively, if you do mind it, every day for two weeks, put a LOT of conditioner in your hair when you wash it then use a regular nit comb. Everyone'll need to do this at the same time, otherwise they get passed around from family member to family member. Also, some chemists do a good nit comb with an electric current running through it, so you use that on your hair to kill the lice. You'll need to do that every night for a week.

Hope that helps! Don't worry too much if you do get them - it's an occupational hazard of having a younger sibling.

thanks so much sara! iv run the comb through wet hair and im not sure how to distinguish dandruff with not a dandruff person though!
Reply 12
oh dear, you dont have much luck with your hair do you?

well about lice, im sure the chemist can fix you up something good.
I hope it helped - he used to get them with alarming regularity because of the untreated little brats running around him. It was gross! The eggs look like little brown commas, you can see the lice fairly easily, they ming too.

Actually, strangely enough, i had a dream about head lice a couple of nights ago. Bizarre.
Reply 14
oh dear, you dont have much luck with your hair do you?

well about lice, im sure the chemist can fix you up something good.

i no! my hair was fine before i had it cut. everyone used to say how good it looked, and its all downhill because of that STUPID GOOD FOR NOTHING HAIRDRESSER!! :mad:
neha p
i no! my hair was fine before i had it cut. everyone used to say how good it looked, and its all downhill because of that STUPID GOOD FOR NOTHING HAIRDRESSER!! :mad:

Yeah, my mantra whenever i got to the hairdresser is 'hair'll be fine... it'll grow...'
Reply 16
Yeah, my mantra whenever i got to the hairdresser is 'hair'll be fine... it'll grow...'

hehe!! you are exactly like me sara!!!!
ok, my mum came back with loads of lotion stuff. she doesnt think i have got anything, despite all my screams 'ofcourse i have eggs...i can feel them hatching'

anyway, i took your advice and have decided to be lotionised!!
Get some shampoo and conditioner that smells really really strongly of tea-tree. Nits hate tea-tree, so wash your hair and leave the conditioner on for a few hours, then comb through with the nit comb. Do this whenever you wash your hair for the next couple of weeks, and make sure your hair smells strongly of tea-tree. It's quite a nice smell anyway. If you don't start seeing lice coming out in the conditioner when you comb your hair, you haven't got them.
yes, you have nits,
Reply 19
Airport Fairy
Get some shampoo and conditioner that smells really really strongly of tea-tree. Nits hate tea-tree, so wash your hair and leave the conditioner on for a few hours, then comb through with the nit comb. Do this whenever you wash your hair for the next couple of weeks, and make sure your hair smells strongly of tea-tree. It's quite a nice smell anyway. If you don't start seeing lice coming out in the conditioner when you comb your hair, you haven't got them.

i just did this whole comb thing everyone is saying, and nothing came out but a couple of flakey things. according to the instructions on the lotions bottle, the eggs are supposed to stick. i think i have had a narrow miss, so do you think i should do the whole treatment for a couple of weeks?