The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hmmm... well I haven't read it, but I HAVE read 'Oranges are not the Only Fruit' by Jeanette Winterson, which deals with a girl's repressed lesbian tendencies... that might be a good comparison to make...

What do you think?

Reply 2
Yeah, thanks... I've heard of it, but not read it, although it was recommended to me by someone whose opinion I hold in high esteem, so I'll definately give it a go.

I know there are loads of novels dealing with gay issues etc, but I'm in some kind of literary rut and can't read my way out.. I was going to go with EM Forster's Maurice, but I'm not a massive fan of his style and so I'll check out Oranges fo' sho'

Reply 3
Good luck!
I'm currently panicking that I haven't chosen my A2 coursework books... I'd really like to use Madame Bovary as one, but I don't know what the other would be or what theme to compare!
Any ideas?
Reply 4
I don't think you could do Madame Bovary as it was written in French

Potentially a Utopia/ Distopia.. think Atwood, Huxley, Orwell... or drugs, that could be fun- deQuincey/ some other cool book on drugs.. sex- DH Lawrence.. think of a theme that interests you or a particular part of a book you loved..

I wanted to do drugs in Confessions of an English Opium Eater by deQuincey and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas but apparently the latter isn't literary enough.