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Do Friendships actually last distances?

Its been already several weeks, perhaps months into the holiday now (I've lost track of time.) and I've been thinking about my friends at school and other friends.

Considering that everyones going to be moving off in different directions globally, there won't be anymore gatherings and such. Are these friendships always going to be limited in growth due to the distance?

How about those that have decided to permenantly settle in a completely different country, should I wave goodbye to those?

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Reply 1
Mine do.
Reply 2
They will last if you make them last :smile:
Reply 3
I think you should keep in touch with them by phone or mail etc.

even though you cannot do many things with them at least when the day comes and you two meet in a critical position where you need your ex-friend's company/help you won't feel 'omg i wish i kept in touch with him/her'
If you keep in touch, call eachother etc then it will be easier to make it last...i think if you have a strong friendship and are very close there's no reason why it shouldn't last as long as both of you are willing to make the effort.
Reply 5
They can do, although most of mine haven't really. Although I think that's more to do with growing apart as we grow up.
Reply 6
I have kept in touch with my best friend from primary school (we now go to different school) and we are still really close and regard each other as "best friends" but we have definitely grown apart. We also have plenty of other friends to occupy us, and since she now lives a 20 minute drive away, we also see each other less. And we have less to talk about because, being at different schools, our lives have little in common.

But so far I feel that it has turned out quite well and we still speak a lot. I still regard her as a best friend.
I've lost touch with all but my closest school friends. Its been three years now since we left. I've kept in touch however with lots of friends at home since moving away to uni last September.
I often wish that some of my friendships did last the distance. :[
Reply 9
I think if the friendship is strong enough then it can survive. My best friend lives in Borehamwood while I live in Enfield and she left school last year to go to college but I see her every week and we're as close as ever
I havn't seen my 3 best friends for nearly 1year,will be seeing them this month,we are still close on msn.And i know when we all meet up it will be as if we were never apart.
Since we all went out seperate ways for most of the year I have actually grown closer to my group of friends. We are in our second and final years of uni now but write to each other and visit occassionally and have an awesome time when we are 'home' (only occasionally are we all there at the same time but this summer we have really tried) We are even going on holiday together for the first time since knowing each other in the last 6 or 7 years. Distance seems to have transformed our friendships because we really make an effort.
I've lived in Scotland for two years while all my mates were in Paris. Best test ever to sort true friends out of casual pals.
Now i can tell who my best friends are, we're still in touch, even closer, I'd say.
The key to success : internet, telephone, and a few trips Glasgow/Paris!!
I've found that it's pretty easy to keep in touch - what with myspace and stuff nowadays. I'm still pretty close to loads of my friends at home, but there are some people who have found new friends at uni and don't seem to have the time of day for me anymore. Guess it depends on the friendship and the kind of person they are. xxx
i haven't kept in contact with my ol friends although i saw them tonite and it jus backed up why i don't hang with them anymore.
Reply 15
None of my friendships have lasted uni and I was only there for 4 months! But that's more my fault than theirs, as all my friends are fairweather friends- I enjoy their company but the only person I really rely on is my partner. I can't trust people very easily.

However, they've all kept in touch with each other :smile: I just can't be bothered, really- I've got new friends now...
My best mate lives in Brazil, havent seen each other for over a year but we both class each other as best mates.
Reply 17
Depends on how much you want to remain friends with them I guess. If you want to keep in contact with them, you will. Though there will be the odd few who you'll totally lose contact with.

But with things like facebook, msn and myspace, I can't imagine it being too hard to keep in contact.
I agree that as long as you (and them) are willing to make the effort - they can last.

I've lost a few, because of my lack of effort.
And i also have some that are still as good as they were before.
I think if these are genuine friends it's worth keeping in touch. I had to move away from my hometown at the beginning of this year. But me and my mates still keep in touch, organise the odd gig to go to or whatever. If they're worth it then it is worth it :smile: