i called and said "can i speak to someone regarding work experience?" and i was transfered. i said "im hoping to apply to study medicine in September and was told earlier that you only take students who are actually doing their A-levels. I'm currently at ---- school doing A-levels in---" so the lady asked me to send a letter and so i did.
{{{Further to our phone call on --------, I am writing to you regarding work experience at ---------.
I have finished my GCSE and Welsh Baccalaureate course at Coleg Gwent, City of Newport Campus and achieved 6 A*, an A and a B and Welsh Baccalaureate Intermediate diploma (equivalent to 4 GCSE’s A*-C). I joined St Julian’s School sixth form last September, as it is closer to where I live and allows me to accompany my sister. I am currently studying 5 subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Arabic and French. I am predicted AAAAA for the AS examinations.
I have always wanted to pursue a career in medicine. I have worked in a pharmacy for a week and this gave me valuable experience in communication, handling money and understanding the British medical system. I am currently a volunteer in The Leonard Cheshire Home, a nursing home for the disabled. This is very useful, as it shows me how to understand the needs of disabled people of different ages. I would like to mention that I had to be CRB checked for that job. Volunteering at BAWSO women’s aid for BME women who suffer from domestic violence has taught me how to be empathising and help troubled women. I worked with my local MP for a week and gained experience in dealing with people and administrative work relevant to politics. I have attended courses in first aid, and health & safety in the work place which were very relevant to my current studies and to what I want to do in future. I am a member of the link up program which increases participation of BME youth in decision making by funding events organised by us. In school I'm an active member of the sixth form. I'm currently raising money for charity in school and with a group of other students who are raising money, we are setting up a charity council to help us all reach our targets. I also enjoy swimming, martial arts, photography and film making as useful past times.
I would like to arrange work experience in the Cardiology department as this would help put the knowledge I gained from my studies in practice and witness the work of doctors and health professionals. It would also give me an insight into a career I have always wanted to engage in.}}}
and they replied saying everything is on hold at the moment. the careers service (sorry to say that) but they are rubbish and when i say rubbish i mean rubbish. they gave me a contact number and it turned out to be the same person i contacted!! so im soooooooooooo desperate now. i just need anything mediciny to put on my statement and i dont want to miss out on the experience itself either.