The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Try backing off.

If she's at all interested, she'll pursue.

If not, bad luck mate, plenty more where that came from.
Just don;t get too focused on the 1 girl, try dating some others at the same time?
they are reasonably fickle creatures and have a short attenrion span. you got to get i t while its hot.
Reply 3
Some girls are snakes with tits. Honestly.
If she does not like you then there is nothing you can do. MOVE ON!!!!!
10 Number
Right, long story short, she really liked me but then she said things werent the same, and she doesnt know why. She got bored. Now, I really like this girl, is there any way of sorting this mess out? or is the damage done?

did she say she was actually bored? if she did then there's not much you can do. she may just not like you in that way in that way anymore and therefore it isn't necessairly her fault. people fall for/ and out of people all the time.

give her some space as she isn't going to appreciate you bugging her about it.

x x
This happened to me with my ex. We remainded 'friends' until she cheated on her new bf with me on valentine's day. My advice: ditch her.
is she is like that, back off for lil bit when she comes back to you, give her the cold shoulder treatment, to show her your not there for her entertainment....she cant jus come and go as she pleases and expect u to be waitin there for her like a sitting duck.....

but dont wait for her to come back, go out and make some new girlfreinds... move on...
Reply 8
herbal bug
did she say she was actually bored? if she did then there's not much you can do. she may just not like you in that way in that way anymore and therefore it isn't necessairly her fault. people fall for/ and out of people all the time.

give her some space as she isn't going to appreciate you bugging her about it.

x x

She didnt say she was bored, but when she broke up with me she said "things aren't the same any more". I take that to mean she got a lil bored with me. She said how she used to really really like me, but "things are different and she doesnt know why".

After we broke up, I got the impression they may be something still there, however small it may be. And so maybe its not completely ruined....I just need to know how to fix it and to re-ignite that spark we once had.
Guess her feelings changed, sadly people's feelings do. Would have been worse if she strung you along.
Guess her feelings changed, sadly people's feelings do. Would have been worse if she strung you along.

That is very true, if she had told you this much later you would have been even more hurt
I'm afraid you are probably going to have to move on :frown: