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Reply 1
As the title says.

Reply 2
Reply 3
well at my gym there are treadmills in both mph and kph. i assume the above are kph, so ill stick with that.

i hardly ever just run flat but id say about 9.5-10
Reply 4
10km/hr for 40 mins. Intend to get it up to 13km/hr within the next 6 weeks or so.
Reply 5
thats a big step up.
good luck
Reply 6
8 on a 10 speed setting treadmill for 30 minutes. No brakes or slowing down for a while like I've heard some pussies do.
I alternate between 7 and 8.5mph for 12 minutes...
Reply 8
john !!
thats a big step up.
good luck

Cheers, only just made the step up to 40 mins from 35~. I'd keep going up in time and leave the speed the same but from what I understand the catabolic effects on muscles after ~45mins cardio aren't worth the extra fat shredding.
12-15 for about 5km, or 3km with inclines. If I just feel like running without exertion I run on 10.
Reply 10
I actually haven't been on a treadmill for about a year, although I think I used to run on a speed of about 10 for a comfortable pace.
Reply 11
Program it for stamina training, so it goes up and down. Something like 9.3 for 3 minutes, then rises to 13.2 for 3:30mins, then back down 4 times. Manager to cover 3.75km in 20mins.
30 minutes on 12kph,

or run outside...... 4.5 miles in about 30-40 minutes depending on my fitness and weather,
Normally 30 minutes at 9.1kph - 9.5kph.
Reply 14
start about 12 and build up to the max of 16 (km/h) over the course of 3.2 Km which means i do it in about 14 and a half to 15 minutes. Any longer and I start getting realy bored, even with music!
when i used to use the treadmill i kept between 10km/h - 15km/h, got bored of that though and decided to swim for my cardio instead.
Reply 16
Not very- I've only got little legs! About 8 or 9 kmph. 9.5 if I'm really pushing it.
Reply 17
this thread clearly defines me as a complete and utter lazy ****
Reply 18
oh wait maybe it doesnt

how many km to a mile?
Reply 19
As fast as maintains my 80% working heartrate