The Student Room Group

Natwest - Proof of student status

I've applied for a Natwest Student account and got the forms back that I have to fill in and list of documents I have to provide. I have an unconditional offer so it says I have to provide....

1. a letter offering my unconditional place at surrey
2. a matriculation registration card showing year of study
3. offical letter from uni confirming student status

I only have the last document!!! Number 1, I didnt get because I applied online, admittedly I do remember UCAS telling me to print something off at the time but I kinda forgot....oops. I can get a screen print off UCAS track showing my offer but it doesnt show my name on the screen confirming its MY offer and not some random persons so I doubt Natwest will accept that.
I have no idea what document number 2 is!!!! Matriculation??? whaaaaat?

Reply 1
Uh, just one is enough.
It doesnt say anywhere on the forms "one of the below" or similar so I assumed they wanted all three? I've just discovered I do have a letter confirming my unconditional place tho :-D
Reply 3
go to halifax, they only want one! plus halifax is miles better, i've been with both banks, and tbh Natwest sucks! x
Reply 4
Natwest only want one. My experience of Halifax has been that they are terrible, and Natwest isn't half bad. They have a sub-branch on campus, the railcard is a nice perk, and they gave me the full overdraft as soon as I opened the account with no hassle whatsoever.
Reply 5
Yup Natwest only want one...I sent 2 just to be extra safe and 1 of them was a screen print from UCAS so you should be fine.

I just need to wait to go Unconditional and then get my overdraft up and running! :smile:
Reply 6
The letter at the front of the pack says "provide one item to confirm your student status"
ring up ucas and ask
Reply 8
I've applied for a Natwest Student account and got the forms back that I have to fill in and list of documents I have to provide. I have an unconditional offer so it says I have to provide....

1. a letter offering my unconditional place at surrey
2. a matriculation registration card showing year of study
3. offical letter from uni confirming student status

I only have the last document!!! Number 1, I didnt get because I applied online, admittedly I do remember UCAS telling me to print something off at the time but I kinda forgot....oops. I can get a screen print off UCAS track showing my offer but it doesnt show my name on the screen confirming its MY offer and not some random persons so I doubt Natwest will accept that.
I have no idea what document number 2 is!!!! Matriculation??? whaaaaat?


yeah you don't need to send an official letter from uni confirming student status, simply because most unis don't send these out until you have officially enrolled and actually turned up at uni. All i sent off was my OFFER letter from the uni, and the letter from UCAS telling me i'd confirmed my offer at the particular uni (this is the letter that had a slip at the bottom which you had to send to the uni). These were all fine, i got my documents back within a week.