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Constantly afraid of death

i'm constantly afraid that i might die at a young age . Before i've properly lived my life. It's really getting to me and things like the bridge collapsing in america , taking with it all those. people, makes me frightened.

I used to fly reguarly but last month as i was comimg back frm China i was pettrified that i might not touch down. Im scared of catching a terminal illness or being murdered or being in a car crash.

And if its not that then i'm scared of sum1 close 2 me dying , a friend, family member or a child that i haven't yet had.

Am i losing it?

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Reply 1
No, you're not losing it. I used to be in constant fear of dying young. It's just a thing; sometimes it still gets to me, as it will others.

Out of interest, do you believe in God? I do, and I always remind myself that if I do die young, I won't want to turn back.
Reply 2
I dont think ypu're loosing it - but it may be helpful to tell someone about your concerns and seek some reassurance. Im also very troubled by death and especially pandemic flu - but sometimes you have to put those thoughts behind you and concentrate on other things. When do you get these thoughts? Maybe keeping yourself occupied and around other people may help. Sometimes when your mind wonders you can start feeling overwhelmed by these things. Try talking to someone you trust about this and try to keep as optamistic as possible (I know its difficult!)

Anyway take care and hopefully you'll feel more poitive soon.
i think you may be abit OTT in the worrying. Everyone is afraid of death, but its just best not to think about it so you wont worry about it :smile:
Reply 4
You are not loosing it. everyone oin there own way is scared that they will die. To be honet iam like you i am terrified... but no body knows when its gonna happen and so my advice would be lve your life like you are going to die tomoro do everything that u want and just live your life fun....:smile:
I feel the same sometimes.

It's natural, inate, to fear death.
Reply 6
i welcome death with open arms.
Reply 7
If your scared you'll die before you've lived your life, then make sure you don't waste anything. Live everyday to the full and then whether you die young or not, you'll have lived a good life.

Lot's of people are scared of death, but maybe if you accept that you will die one day, and move on then you should be able to stop being afraid. Talk to friends or family about your fears
I quite often feel afraid of dying young. Suffered serious illness a few years ago and nearly did die and since then it has been a fear of mine. Oddly though I went through a phases of not being afraid of death (immediately after illness) because at least I wouldn't have to suffer grief and pain like the survivours. If I were you I would go and see someone. Don't let something like this interfere with life.
Reply 9
After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.
Reply 10
After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.

You read Harry Potter too much.
Reply 11
Are you really living anyway, if your always thinking about death? If it happens, it happens, you wont know. You will just be like when you sleep, I’m guessing! Unless you believe in an afterlife then you have nothing to worry about.
Reply 12
I am afraid too, very much so, and the fear strikes me mostly at night before I go to sleep so there isn't a lot to do about it at the time, and it's quite scary, I am scared of losing people I love too, like I look at my bf and stuff and think I don't want to go away from them.
Reply 13
I'm afraid of dying - i think most people are.
I often find myself thinkin,g what it will be like when i'm dead. Very odd to never be alive again :s-smilie:
Reply 14
i'm constantly afraid that i might die at a young age . Before i've properly lived my life. It's really getting to me and things like the bridge collapsing in america , taking with it all those. people, makes me frightened.

I used to fly reguarly but last month as i was comimg back frm China i was petrified that i might not touch down. Im scared of catching a terminal illness or being murdered or being in a car crash.

And if its not that then i'm scared of sum1 close 2 me dying , a friend, family member or a child that i haven't yet had.

Am i losing it?

It's natural to have phobias, for example checking no cars are coming before you cross the road is technically a phobia - your afraid of being run over. Just your phobia of death has gotten a little out of hand.

Now with cars, people look left and right before they cross the road, that manages the phobia.

Your afraid of death, but also afraid of not living a fulfilled life. If you wanna keep yourself out of harms way, for example away from bridges that collapse, you can just stay in the house and live like a recluse, you probably wont die young, but you'll have a ****ty life. So that doesn't help!! we'll 'room 101' that idea.

If you wanna live a full life, you need to realise that to self-actualise you must take risks, whether that be getting on a plane or crossing a bridge.......... sure something bad might happen, but that's a very small chance. Try and keep it in context... or mange your phobia if you like.

As for dying young, 'dream as though you'll live forever, live as though you'll die tomorrow' <<< cheesy quote that's over-used, but it makes a good point :smile:

If the worst happens and you do die young, don't you want everyone to say, ' He was a great guy, we had some amazing times', as opposed to everybody wondering what you actually did or tried to do with your life.

As for being worried about loved ones dying, it really is a scary prospect, but once again. keep it in perspective!!!! You can't do anything about it, as long as you know they love you, just make the most out of the moments you do have. Memories last forever mate, so try and build up as many good ones as you can :smile:

I dunno who said this, but I think it kinda sums things up for you:
Life isn't about the number of breaths we take, but about the moments that take our breath away

Keep your chin up, stop worrying about things you cant predict or prevent...... start living your life and stop worrying about not living it :smile:

Take care!!
I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of any possible pain that might come beforehand, but not actually dying.
Reply 16
I'm the opposite. I'm afraid what'll happen if people drop dead around me, or what they'll think if I'm not around. :s-smilie:
Reply 17
It's actually kinda refreshing to see what people's thoughts on this, as I often have had these thoughts :| usually at night when there is little else to think about.
Reply 18
Got to admit, I worry about dying. Sometimes at night, I start thinking about what happens after you die. That genuinely scares me. We think of everything as having an end. Whether or not there is a heaven, when you die it lasts FOREVER. It goes on and on and it never ends. EVER
Reply 19
You read Harry Potter too much.
